A D&D Adventure, and How I Format Them

Making a D&D Adventure is something every DM does at one point or another. This is not a guide on how to make them, this is an example of one that is already done. I think it’s a good idea to show you that an adventure up to par with official modules isn’t needed to have fun! This is a campaign opening I ran, and it’s a simple one that you should be able to run in your campaign.


This session was balanced for 7 players. A lot more than most, so feel free to add or remove enemies. For instance, make the adventurers the Golden Duo, or scale down the number of bandits your group has to face. Adjust it to the CR of your party balanced with the action economy. In other words, make sure your party never outnumbers the enemy.

The Campaign

This is a good opening but not a Campaign. You will still have to put in the work to make it fit into your campaign if you want to use it. It’s a good base for a local area as well. You can also take the Umbrage and use them as recurring villains. There is also the potential for this to be a pirate lead-in, as it is a port city with a shady underbelly. Description wise I usually wing a description, but follow the golden rule of use at least two senses to describe a place.

The Player Buy-In

Hopefully, you have a good overall idea for where the campaign is going, but if not the buy-in for investment in this brief adventure is simple. It starts in a bar, and the individual characters have frequented the bar while preparing for their individual goals. They are familiar with the barkeep and his wife, along with a few of the regular patrons. If you want the players to have a sense of camaraderie please refer to this article.


A loud coastal city, connected to the Orvard Sea. The city is bustling and always full of exotic people and travelers seeking their next destination. Inside the Imperium it is a clean city, the streets well kept to mask the dark underbelly that thrives in the city. The guard patrol can be seen in there red and gold armor riding Trikes through the streets. In the city is the Shipwreck Pub, run by a charismatic, but loud, barkeep whose son is returning that night from a long sea voyage on a trader.

The Pub has an original drink named the sunken ship, an ale with spices sunk into it giving it a bigger kick than normal, that finishes with a sweet last few sips.

The Attack

The Barkeep Artyom gives a round of free drink’s on the house when the messenger arrives saying his son’s ship the Blue Falcon got there safe. Once the son gets there he and his father reunite. A band of seven figures wearing black robes enter the pub. They walk over to the son and father, and the lead figure walks up saying “The Umbrage send their regard’s” The group attacks the son and father.

Use bandit stat blocks for them, but give them varied weapons to make them feel unique. If you want to add flavor add in a half strength fireball bead that one of them uses to commit suicide once combat appears to be over.

If they capture them then its an investigation. No one will reveal anything and most will take any minor form of torture, knowing their family and friends die if they say a word. But all of them have the same black tattoo on their back, a black sigil with three chains wrapped around a humanoid figure.

If they kill them then they can talk to the son, make sure to try, and keep him alive depending on how combat goes. His reaction to the fight is trying to protect his father.


The son made a deal on leaving port to smuggle a parcel of drugs, something called Pith. It is a dangerous drug that leads to addiction and death. Side effects include hallucination, a short high, and yellow teeth. Pith is made from the bones of dinosaurs, magically enhancing the natural antibodies found in the Marrow. The Son got cold feet and tossed it off the side of the ship, and refused to speak to the Umbrage upon returning. This led to an entire encounter, and if he survives combat he tells them everything.

As they leave they encounter a Centurion, depending on who lived and died they will be commended, or questioned and told not to leave Arten. The son is arrested by the centurions if he stay’s at the Pub. That should only happen if his father or mother are killed, as they will encourage him to flee if not.

The Umbrage

They run out of a small section in the port, an Inn with a warehouse in the back. The leader of the Arten branch is a Tiefling who is a strong warrior named Padraig. To find this they need to ask the Son, but if he’s dead then through asking around different seedy areas of town.

The Stormy Lute Inn

A run down Inn/pub.

It has a lot of low-level thugs in it, and they number twice the size of the party. A head-on attack is a bad idea here. Inside they can negotiate the release of Martin’s debt. He has a debt of three hundred gold, they can do a job for the Umbrage or pay straight up. Paying straight up is a way to make this a multi-session adventure. Having them do odd jobs to get the money, or straight up steal it.

The Job

The Umbrage asks them to kill adventurers who’ve been a thorn in their side. The adventurers are called the Golden Four. They are hard hitters apparently, but it’s a simple job. They are living off of a sloop right now, and, the Umbrage will take the sloop after they are killed.

The Adventurers Help

If they find the adventures and convince them to help, then they can stage an ambush. The adventures will hide or fake their deaths, then rendezvous wherever they set the trap (recommend the shipwreck pub).

The Trap

The group sets a trap for Padraig, who arrives with double the men of the party as insurance. Two of them take defensive positions outside. The saving grace is gonna be the more experienced adventurers they allied with.

Padraig is a bandit captain stat block, the rest use normal bandits.

The Aftermath

After the fight is over the adventurers talk to the players some, one of them claims the magic weapon Padraig had. When the group objects he may give it to them.

The Adventures introduce them to a gnome wizard Quint Firegale who they have gotten work from before. He has a mission, to retrieve the heart of a Manticore, and the eye of a basilisk. If they bring back extra he can give them potions he is trying to make. They are potions of invisibility and a stone salve.

If they don’t bring back extras they get a base rate of 50 gold per ingredient. This part is meant to give you an idea of where to go, but replace this with whatever you want!



Artyom Silvermug

Bald man, you can see wrinkles around his eyes and A barkeep who always keeps the mug namesake by him. He enjoys his job and shares the burden with his wife and their one employee. He will heartily laugh and chat up the group. A full-on extrovert.

Alice Silvermug

A middle-aged woman, portly brown hair. A cook who helps her husband, kind but not seen often. She will always notice if someone is down and try to cheer them up.

Martin Silvermug

A young fit man, who has jet black hair. A well meaning sailor who always’s looked at the sea. He got into gambling debt and used a link to the umbrage to get out of it. He regretted it and reneged on the deal, but now they want his blood


A young man in his 20’s. red hair and beard, a simple man. Works as a waiter for the Shipwreck Pub If he talks he acts like a simple farm boy who doesn’t know much of fighting. Dies in the fight.


A Customer, an older man who wants to drink his worries away. A drunken man who is enamored by any exotic looking PCs. He has thick slurs and is a traveling merchant. He journeys with his friend Malvin.


A Simple bodyguard and friend to Oakden. He is more harsh and untrusting, but can slowly be won over.


A blue Tiefling patron who smiles at everything. He has a slight sense of humor and is a minstrel. Not the magical kind, another one who can die in the fight.

The Umbrage


He looks like a slightly overweight middle-aged man but hides a strong punch. A sadistic man who enjoys the fact that so many died from his order. He has a control over the drug trade of Arten, and the power has gotten over his head.


Leader of the hit squad sent to kill Martin. He is employed because of his own debt. Will do his best to commit suicide if captured. He has a family that will be killed if he is caught and talks.

The Sons of Almus

The Legion that protects Arten. Worships Almus the Saint of war in my setting.

Centurion Samus

A red-haired half-elf who wears armor like a Roman centurion, Gold, and red coloring. He is the commander of the patrols in the dock section and was the closest to respond. The patrols travel with three guards per trike. He arrives at the tavern shortly after the fight.

The other guardsmen have names if needed.
Names Mark, Jeck, Hannah.

Keith, Jailer.

If they need to speak with the son after the fight (if he survived) they go to Keith. He is a gruff guard who will take a bribe of 5 gold to let them talk to Martin no questions asked.


Potter, Fighter.

A 3rd level fighter, and the cool collected leader. Potter is a human with brown hair and missing his left eye. He hates the Umbrage and is planning on setting up an ambush before the party arrives. He will suggest the party makes it look like they killed the golden four, then help them kill Padraig.


A 3rd level wizard, Samantha is a petite girl who is surprisingly outspoken. She bundles her brunette hair in a bun and wears flowing robes. She has Enlarge/Reduce, Hold Person, Magic Missile and Burning Hands prepared.


3rd level Sorcerer, he is a draconic heritage so the sides of his human head have faint scaly skin. He is a silent but smart figure who hates jumping into combat without a plan.
He has Color Spray, Charm Person, Darkness, and Mirror Image prepared.


2nd level barbarian. An 8 foot tall Golden Dragonborn. Bhatrin has a lot of golden frills around his head, almost like a cobra, that flare up when raging. He wants to hit things hard and not think any more than that.


General Store


A Simple clerk who runs a place where you can buy simple goods, and an overpriced healing potion or two.

Jerbon Smithing

 Tab Jerbon

Bald human who has a small forge. A Smith who can trace his lineage back to the king of the Jerbon Kingdom, He uses this as a simple way to advertise himself to the people. He is an average smith.

Kyrrn Steel

Ormmund Stonesheild

A Dwarf proud of his heritage, sells mastercarft items at a price to match. 

The Wizard

Quint Firegale

An old fire mage gnome who’s entire adventuring party was wiped. He has two knights that serve him, But they are more like children to him. His sigil is a Fire Tornado. His tower is known as Gale Tower.

He seems happy with his Knights, but sad when he thinks of his old companions. He is part of the Beryl Order, and as such can lead the player’s to many job opportunities exploring old ruins for magic items, if they prove themselves.

“Welcome to my humble abode, please help yourself to the books.”

“I can give you a test, succeed and I can provide a way to move up in the world. You survived the Umbrage after all, not many can do that!”


A 6’2’ human who has shaggy blond hair. Wears mail with a surcoat. He has a snarky personality, and will always be cautious around new people.

“What business do you have with Firegale?”

“Yeah, and I’m the emperor.”

“By the saints, I’m gonna have to use that one.”


A female Knight with brown hair. who treats Quint like a father. Wears half plate. She is more laid back and tries to befriend the players. A bubbly personality.

“You wronged the umbrage and lived? Nice.”

“So your all new to this. Hope you live long enough for me to see you again!”

The Imperium

A Roman Empire Analogue, has the same titles and similar laws. They have domesticated Dinosaurs and use three mainly on land. Trikes for tank like patrols, Rex’s for sheer power, and Pteranodons for control of the skys. They run clean cities and crackdown hard on crime.

Jack of All Trades Gaming
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