A New Campaign, And The Prep

The Want to Do Something New

With the current campaign in DND being the second-longest I have run, and it seems to begin going to a natural conclusion prep has, of course, began on a new campaign. This time lessons have been learned in world-building, and a new idea has sprung forth. To build the world around the characters backstories and not the other way around. This is a simple idea but the two other worlds I built, Fair Isle and The Broken Lands, where made the opposite way. A simple change like this is already getting me, and my players excited.

A New Campaign Outline

To not leave my players completely in the dark I gave them a brief outline. The outline has five countries: An empire that domesticated dinosaurs, a Island nation of renowned scholars and elite warrior’s, a Viking kingdom home to a race of horned men known as the Varl(Play Banner Saga), a secluded nation that has a warrior caste, and a more run of the mill Medieval kingdom. Lost Writer had the idea of making the Elves live in floating cities and thus a new nation, the Hylvan, or maybe the Skelves, or maybe Skylvan. I haven’t decided on a name yet.

There is also a fun detail about sorcerers. A sorcerers power comes from heritage, wild magic, or just a blessing. But Sorcerers must keep the name they are born with a secret, as any who know it are resistant to their magic. No one knows why, but this causes most sorcerers to abandon their hometowns or kill everyone in them when they discover their power.

The Saints

Instead of God’s, there are Saints. These Saint’s are embodiments of God’s whose names everyone has forgotten, and there is a multitude of them. 18 so far, each with a different motto and tenants. They are also directly tied to the calendar, which is linked below. Made using Donjon, Each month and day is named after a Saint, except for Saintsday the day of Worship.

Player Characters

The players immediately started making new characters. Leroy Jenkins, made by Drago is a meme character I can’t wait to see in action. He is an immortal who has forgotten how to fight, and how he became immortal. Crowley Jenkins, the great-great-grandson of Leroy is a half-elf who has a multiple personality disorder. You see we had the idea that every personality is a different class, and thus a very interesting character that could crash and burn was born. This character has many issues around it, and trying to figure out how to make it work is gonna be fun.

Myra, Drawn by Nightwalker

Myra Astrolangia, was made by Nightwalker and she drew an amazing picture shown above. She is an Aasimar with backstory pending completion. And then there is Dahlia Drake, made by Healter. She is the daughter of a pirate who is trying to escape that life. Her father also happens to be chasing her as they had a disagreement before she left. Mr. Sin made by Deception is a revenant Goliath who speaks through a familiar.

Freefaller made a Sky elf named Meriele, who has a backstory tied to airships. And a new player Baygemm made a spider-kind, which has been a ton of fun incorporating into the world.

Working on a World Map

I used Inkarnate for this and its newest update is amazing (not a paid promotion but go check it out here). A man with no talent like me can make decent looking map. This one is one of my favorite’s. It was made using very simple method’s but it feel’s more alive than my other map’s, to me at least. So with the world map done I’m looking forward to starting something new!

The Prep

There is always something fresh and great about a new campaign. The prep involved may be arduous but the end reward of the fun it brings is always worth it. The first session has happened now, and it was amazing. A mix of memes and good fun! Now I just need to finish making the Saints and see where the story leads the players. Lessons will be learned, memory’s made, and friendship’s strengthened.

Jack of All Trades Gaming
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