D&D Player Types, Personal and Popular Lists

There are some pretty popular videos about D&D player types. All of them, of course, exaggerated. People are people so none of these are 100% accurate. My set of D&D player types is going to be inaccurate to someone. These types, I hope, will show you what groups I’ve been dealing with. My personal experience […]

D&D Stories, Players Doing Unexpected Things Part 2

We all have those fun D&D stories. Almost all of them caused by the players. Player’s are the bane of every DM’s existence, it is impossible to keep a straight face around them! They ask to do the dumbest, yet funniest things at times. But when they work it leads to stories you never forget. In […]

One Piece D&D 5E, Porting Over the D20 System

I have been busy during this lock-down time, a surprising amount actually. My job is unaffected by all of this so its hasn’t really felt real. However one of my friends decided to DM again, and in a One Piece D&D setting. So scrounging around we found the One Piece d20 system. We found the […]

My First Homebrew Setting, Fair Isle

A homebrew setting is something special, and it says a lot about a person. With it, ambition is shown, and interesting stories created. Best of all is the fun time’s with your group. The first homebrew setting I made was rough, it took heavy inspiration from Matt Colville’s videos and minor inspiration from Critical Role. […]

Players Doing Unexpected Things, The Highlight of D&D!

As a DM your players will pull stupid things every session. We all have those story’s we share and laugh together with our group. The fondest memories are made this way, and the in-jokes will always abound. Below are two stories from two different groups I’ve run and how they fooled me or created funny […]