Broken Lands Part 1: Homebrew Gods

The Broken Lands was my second attempt at a homebrew setting, here I experimented with changing gods a bit to make them homebrew gods. I wrote way more lore for this one than any other, and I figured I’d split it into parts. This part has a general rundown on countries, more on them later. We will be focusing here on basic history and religion. Calendar and timekeeping are touched on as well, with holidays as a fun bonus. This world uses the Tal’Dorei calendar as I like the idea of an elven calendar but can’t make elven names. So strap in for a basic rundown of countries and a lot of talk about Gods.

Countries and Points of Interest

The Broken Lands

Long ago, the world was in one piece. But the Sundering, a cataclysmic ancient battle between the gods before they were sealed away scarred the land. The conflict was between the Prime Deities and the Betrayer Gods. Led by Pelor and Baranax respectively they fought over the freedom of the gods to meddle in the mortal world. The Prime deities won and sealed the betrayers away along with all the Dragon’s that took their side and wreaked havoc across the world.

The Broken Lands now form three continents, The Western has mainly lawful humanoids. The eastern houses Dwarf’s and many kingdoms of Humans, along with the Remnant of the ancient church. The Southern continent is the dumping ground for the evil creatures that served the Betrayers. Watched over by an organization formed by the Remnant.

The Remnant

A religious organization formed to guard the prison that holds the Betrayers. There are seven keys to the lock, and all but two are in control of the church or it’s allies. They have a great influence over the world that is not always seen.

The Western Continent Kar’Hakon

A Version 2 I made, I gave the Halflings a place to be in this one.

The Empire of the Architect

A Tiefling Empire ruled by those with contracts to Devils, or so the rumors say… The Empire is in the north and was established within a chain of mountains that cuts it off from the rest of the land. The Empire has constant fights with the humans but is protected geographically. This leads most conflicts to end in a draw.

An Organization is rumoured to be hiding in the mountains. They are called the Order of Desolation that is bent on releasing the locked up Betrayer Gods.

The Alliance of Marnen

An alliance of 4 human kingdoms That borders The Empire, it covers around a third of the remaining continent. The humans used to war among themselves but have now formed a united front against the Tieflings.

The Elvenwood

The elves’s have a kingdom hidden in their woods. They patrol their borders fiercely and don’t let anyone in who is suspicious. The vetting process is a simple detect truth spell that has questions aimed at those who enter. Once inside the border cities are semi populated by humans, the deeper in you go the more dominant elves’s are.

The Land of the Gnomes.

A Small land in the south, they are the only group that exists south of the Elves on the western continent and are generally ignored by most. No one knows where this small conglomerate of hidden cities is, most maps exclude it.

Ristonia, The Eastern Continent.

Kingdoms have always fought on this continent, leading to only the strong surviving. Dwarves also inhabit the mountains on this continent.

Verte, The southern Continent

Dark elves form the biggest group hiding in their forests. A variety of Dragonborn tribes and other species who were cast out exist on the continent as well. A city-state of all races exists in the northeastern corner of the continent. The Watchers, funded by the elves they prevent the Betrayer Races from emerging into the world.


On the Continent of Verte in the south, a Saint known as Father Wilhelm founded a religious group that follows the one known as Archheart. They believe in a safe and welcoming haven for anyone and everyone. Many Enclaves have been made across the continents, there is on in major country except for The Empire of the Architect.


An Enclave that was taken over by mercenaries and thieves. They have turned it into a massive coliseum where only the strong survive.

The Gods

This is mostly ripped from Tal-Dorei campaign guide/ forgotten realms stuff. The only original one is Baranax, Father of Dragons. But everyone is slightly changed, I just can’t do names of gods that well.

The Pantheon

The Prime Deities

Rumours abound as to how these being became gods, some became them after working in a mortal life and becoming something greater, Others where born into it and others created for it. No one knows who the first was.

Avandra – The Changebringer:

Alignment Chaotic Good, Domains: Nature, Trickery. The god of travelling, trade, freedom and adventure Avandra will beckon her followers to discover the great Unknown. She was a mortal who honored the gods By discovering much of the Broken Lands. After her death by the dragons the Archeart honored her by making her a deity.

Her church portrays her as an energetic young woman wearing green clothes and a backpack constantly journeying to the next discovery.

Her holy day is the new dawn, and takes place on the 1st day of the 1st month.

Bahamut – The Platinum Dragon

Alignment Lawful Good, Domains: Life, War. Bahumat was created by Baranax to be the greatest dragon, and somehow instilled him with a moral compass he himself didn’t have. Bahumat turned on Baranax and his kin during the Sundering. This gained him the trust of the other gods. After the war he devoted his life to forming a following. This following consists of law order clerics that while small in number, are trusted as the best arbiters of any conflict.

He has had conflict with most of the gods, but The Law Bearer trusts him and sees him as a force of good.

His Clerics see him as a dragon who has taken human form, usually as a bearded old man in silver clothes. But older art shows him as A humongous Platinum Dragon. His holy day is called Embertide, and is held on the 5th day of the 11th month.

Corellon – The Archeart

Alignment: Chaotic Good, Domain Life, Arcana. The Archeart is the eldest and strangest of the living gods. He made the elves, who were the firstborn of the mortal races. They have a longstanding rivalry with the Spider Queen for leading the Drow astray, and are often depicted as a beautiful elf. He led the gods in the battles against Baranax.

The elves hold a special Midsummer Celebration in honor of the Archeart, as a symbol of their emergence into the world. It is celebrated on the 20th day of the 6th month.

Erathis – The Lawbearer Alignment, Lawful Neutral. Domain, Knowledge. The driving inspiration behind many great inventions, and the creation of vast cities the Lawbearer claims civilization as her domain, Many rulers and judges pay respect at her temples that are scattered across all kingdoms. She is a god that only cares about upholding the absolute word of law.

The Lawbearer is a known supporter of Bahamut, with romance rumored. She is sisters with the Wildmother.

The Lawbearer is usually represented as a female sitting on a throne wearing armor with a hood on obscuring her face. If her face is shown it is usually a neutral expression to show her impartial nature. Her holy day is called Civilizations Dawn and is celebrated by dancing around large bonfires in the town squares and giving gifts.

Ioun – The Knowing Mistress

Alignment Nuetral, Domain Knowledge, Arcana. Revered by sages, teachers and learners of all walks of life Ioun represents a more magical spin on knowledge, as the world has aged her supporters have grown. She was wounded during the sundering and while recovering her supporters dwindled, but in recent centuries they have grown again. Her agents have been hunted by agents of the betrayer gods, and her most devout followers almost always live their life in hiding.

She has no holy day, or at least not one that is known. The common representation of her is a graying woman with a matronly smile, swathed in billowing robes, and holding or creating scrolls.

Kord – The Stormlord

Alignment Chaotic Neutral, Domains Tempest, War. Where thunder cracks, you’ll find people praying to the stormlord. He is a god who loves battles and competitions, and his followers are usually soldiers or athletes who revel in proving their superiority.

Usually he is depicted as the paragon warrior, often with a full beard and little armor. Often drawn in mid combat with terrible beasts, and always in a state of dominance. His holy day is The Day of Challenging, and is on the 7th day of the 2nd month. The Stormlord has a rivalry with the Platinum Dragon, as the dragon beat him during the Sundering. Their followers can usually be found competing on Kords holy day.

Melora – The Wildmother

Alignment, Nuetral. Domains, Nature Tempest. The realm of the Wildmother extends to wherever nature can be found. Keeper of the wilderness she represents the wild creatures of nature and the rush of angry rapids. Elves take up her worship, as do many hunters of the land. Those seeking safe passage across raging seas are also known to pray to her. The druids of the Wildmother and the Clerics of her sister the Lawbearer work together to keep nature and civilization in balance.

She is often depicted as a beautiful woman with green skin with leaves tangled into her hair and clothes. Her holy day is the Wild’s Grandeur and is celebrated on the 20th day of the 3rd month.

Moradin – The Allhammer

Alignment, Lawful good. Domain Knowledge, War. The paron god of craft and creation, the Allhammer is worshipped by smiths, artisans and miners along with other craftsmen. He shaped the mountains and land during the great creation and wept when they were sundered by the Dragons. The Allhammer is especially worshipped by dwarves and is seen as the creator of their race.

Many guilds and craft halls have images of the Allhammer in them, usually a stout dwarven being with immense strength. Seen as faceless, he is usually making something or tending to a fire in a forge.

The Allhammers holy day is the Deep Solace and is celebrated on the 18th day of the 5th month. Most dwarven cities are closed all day for the celebration.

Pelor – The Dawn Father

Alignment, Neutral Good. Domains, Life, Light. The Dawnfather stands over sun and summer, his vigil encircling the ages as the keeper of time. Lord of agriculture and harbinger of the harvest, Pelors followers include the common folk and farmers, his priests welcome all. Supporter of the needy and destroyer of evil he rose to significance during the sundering and now has many Paladins to his name. The Dawnfather is also known for chaining the Chained beast. He and Saranrae have united their followers to defend the prison that the Betrayer Gods where locked in.

Tapestries and text show him as a patronly figure in silver and gold armor with a warm smile. His head a beacon of light that shines a fire so bright you can barely see his face. Many statues of him treat his face as a brazier, its lit at dawn and put out at night.

His holy day is Highsummer, the 15th day of the 7th month and stretches a whole week of celebration.

The Raven Queen – The Matron of Ravens

Alignment, Lawful Nuetral. Domain, Life, Death, Blood. Master of the skein of fate and the mistress of winter the Raven Queen stands as the god of death. She is prayed to at funerals, and when people are on the deathbeds. Those who keep ancient lore believe that the Raven Queen was once mortal but was chosen to transcend death by some god. She hates the undead and also hates those who cheat death.

Few existing depictions of her exist, many just use a raven to depict her. But the few that do show her as a tall pale woman draped in black linens, and her black hair flowing neverending behind her.

Her holy day is the Night of Ascension and is celebrated on the 13th day of the 10th month. She is also believed to be the patron to the winter holiday Winters Crest.

Sehanine – The Moon Weaver

Alignment, Chaotic Good. Domain, Trickery. The Moonweaver sends her will as the goddess of moonlight and the autumn season as well as the patron of misdirection. Widely worshipped by Halflings and Elves she is largely considered as the deity of love. Protecting the trysts of lovers with shadows of her own making.

Her depictions are as numerous as the many myths and stories of her meddling within simple unions. However, she is most often painter as a young girl of light blue skin and white hair. With silk strands of moonlight woven into clothes.

She has no known holy day but is celebrated by the elves on the Night of the Largest full moon that comes once a decade. It is tracked by elven astronomers.

Sarenrae – The Everlight

Alignment, Neutral Good. Domains, Life Light. Goddess of compassion and redemption, her message is one of understanding and optimism even in the darkest of places. She believes even the most corrupt can be redeemed and is the reason the Betrayers are in a prison and not dead. Many Paladins and Clerics sworn to her that work with Pelors followers as wardens to the prison.

She is represented as a beautiful and strong woman of dark skin and light hair. Rising on a pair of ivory angel wings. She has no holy day, and her followers have started a recent debate that maybe she should have one.

The Betrayer Gods

Baranax – The First Betrayer

Domains, Death and Trickery. Alignment, Chaotic Evil. Baranax saw what the other gods had created and knew he could do better; the result was the dragons. Large creatures that had the features of lizards, but Baranax had a better idea. He hid himself away and created a mortal version of the creature, to compete with the elves. They where called dragonborn. He imbued both of them with his sense of pride and superiority and in doing so let them loose on the world. They destroyed many civilizations, and when the other gods objected Baranax sided with his creations and found a group of other new and old gods that agreed with him. Baranax Is a prideful god, if you pay reverence to any of the Prime Deities you are his enemy.

His Image has been remembered as a large black and red dragon, but it is speculated his true form was something else…

Asmodeus – The Lord of the Hells

Alignment, Lawful evil. Domains, Trickery Blood. The devil god of hell represents tyranny and domination. His words are honeyed and carefully crafted, soothing and corrupting the mortal heart. He holds his dominions of the 9 hells with an iron fist, and those that cross him can be assured of an eternity of suffering. Mortals associated him with the Betrayers purely by reputation. He never fought in the Sundering and never officially joined the betrayers.

A twisted image of the celestial blood within him, he is a handsome man with blood red skin and a pair of horns growing out of him. He is the creator of Tieflings, who are descendants of men who have failed in their duties.

The enemies of Asmodeus are many, and except for the Ruiner, who is another lord of the 9 hells who attained godhood, no on really likes him. He is locked in constant war with Orcus who sends demons to invade the domain of the devils of the nine hells. He also has a feud with the changebringer as her followers often find themselves fighting his agents.

Orcus – The Strife Emperor

Alignment, Lawful evil. Domain War. Blood Drenched armies of brutal warriors oft crush their foes in the name of Orcus. Orcus is the current Demon Lord and rules over the abyss but has his eyes on the nine hells. He is worshipped by war mongering nations and monster tribes. During the sundering Orcus ran to the abyss and Baranx still hates him for it.

A dark reflection of the honorable warrior, Orcus is often depicted as a raging giant demonic beast wielding a great sword, heads dangling from his belt and armies falling before him.

He has a long running feud with the Wildmother, who has defeated him in battle during the sundering. His fallen helmet that was torn of by the Wildmother in battle houses a hobgoblin city hidden deep in the mountains.

Gruumsh – The Ruiner

Alignment, Chaotic evil. Domains, Tempest War. The Ruiner in the past commanded hordes of barbarians that razed parts of the world. The hordemaster is worshipped by orcs, and hobgoblins among other monsters. The Archeart is the one who imprisoned the Ruiner and the Ruiner still wishes to kill the Archeart for it. His followers often attack elven strongholds for revenge.

He lost his right eye to the Archeart, and he is depicted as a hulking orc who has a bloody scar over one eye.

Lolth – The Spider Queen

Alignment, Chaotic Evil. Domains Trickery, Knowledge. The evil god of deceit and shadows the Spider Queen is intertwined with the Dark elves, as she was the one who lured them away from their creator. She holds a grudge against the Stormlord for crippling her body and throwing her into her prison. The Spider Queen also conspires with the Ruiner on how they will torture the Archeart when there free. The only being she fears is the Chained Oblivion, and its alien unknown mind.

She is a dark alluring elf woman with her bottom half being that of a giant spider.

Tharizdun – The Chained Oblivion

Alignment, Chaotic Evil. Domain, Death Trickery. It is darkness unyielding, death incarnate, darkness enchained. Life and death do not exist within this creature, who is an engine of death and destruction. The Chained Oblivion is feared by all, even its fellow Betrayer Gods. The Chained Oblivion has been locked away since the beginning of time, and has wandered the land briefly during the sundering before all of the Prime Deities barely imprisoned him once more. He is in a different prison than the rest, an older prison he has been in since time incarnate.

Some worship this creature as the end of the world, the unknown. The knowing mistress’s followers have done their best to suppress all knowledge of the Chained Oblivion.

Few dare to show the Chained Oblivion, and those that do show a creature of shadows bound by silver and gold chains in a dark dungeon.

Tiamat – The Scaled Queen

Domain, Trickery, War. Alignment, Chaotic Evil. Tiamat was the first female Dragon Baranax made. The self dubbed queen of the Dragons, she forces all other Dragons to serve her. Most don’t object and those who do find her Claws Fierce. After making a deal with the Undying King she secured herself the power of a god, and has relentlessly tried to Usurp the title of ruler of dragons from Baranax.

The art of the Sundering shows her as a Red dragon with a missing wing. But if you where to journey into a deep place, and into a certain temple you would see A beautiful young looking woman, with claws for finger nails and a single wing growing out of her back. She has a feud with Bahamut and wishes to slay the betrayer dragon.

Torog – The Crawling King

Alignment, Chaotic Evil. Domains, Death Blood. The dark god of endless tunnels and caverns, he is the ruler of the Underdark and rarely went to the surface. He was not imprisoned during the sundering as he aligned himself with Baranax but did not take part in the war. The creatures of the underdark and some of the alley crawlers above ground worship him.

The Dawnfather and Everlight eventually ventured into the under dark and pierced his body with 10,00 lances of sun light that dragged him into the prison.

Depicted as a bloated giant worm with a screaming human with three arms growing where the head would be.

Vecna – Vecna (Also called the Undying King/the Whispered One)

A being few know of, that exists outside of all plans Vecna is considered evil and is the god of secrets. The gods do not know where Vecna is, other than that he hasn’t been seen in thousands of years.

Texts describe him as a man, but with a skull face and a missing left eye and hand.

Zehir – The Cloaked Serpent

Domains, Trickery Blood. Alignment Chaotic Evil. Wandered in shadow and creator of serpent-kin, Zehir is worshipped by all Serpent-Kin and even some of the Dragonborn. During the Sundering the Lawbearer and Wildmother joined together to defeat and imprison him.

Depicted as a massive snake, texts also refer that a possible humanlike form was also used by him. Most of his temples have been forgotten, but the serpent kin have dedicated themselves to secretly rebuild them.

The Sundering.

Ages ago In an unknown time when gods walked the earth dragons where Created by the first of the Betrayer gods, Baranax. Baranax formed the dragons into what he thought was the perfect creature, but he imbued them with to much of his own feeling of superiority. They ransacked the other races created by the Gods and destroyed the world. Baranax made the Dragonborn to support the dragons in the war.

After a long war the gods ascended from the earth, Imprisoning the dragons and Betrayers in a prison made by Saranrae and Pelor. They Held an uneasy alliance with Asmodeus to keep him in hell, with the stipulation he keep Orcus in the Abyss. The gods gave up trying to catch Torog in his deep underdark caves. Civilizations rebuilt, and the gods gave them one last gift, a fortress led by one appointed by Saranrae and Pelor to keep an eye on the imprisoned and keep a semblance of peace on the Broken Lands. They placed the fortress on the remaining holy ground in the center of the former continent, in the years that passed it gained the moniker The Remnant.

The Calendar

It is the most widely accepted calendar that was made by the Elves. Most races refer to each month by a number and don’t use the elven names.

Spring begins early in the month of Dualahei, officially starting on the 13th with the Renewal Festival.

Summer begins in the middle of Unndilar, officially starting on the 26th day known as the Zenith.

Autumn begins early in Fessuran, marked by the Harvest’s Close on the 3rd day.

Winter begins on the 2nd day of Duscar, the Barren Eve, which is a nighttime celebration and remembrance of those who fell in battle.

Years: The humans go by the years recorded after the sundering of the world, they are currently on 1,480.  However most people agree that due to problems recording it the years should be much higher.

The Elves go by the creation of the world, and believe they have an accurate calendar and have recorded over 10,000 years passing. They are now in the Century of the great light and have the recorded year as 10,622.


New Dawn: 

The first day of the new year is also the holy day of the Changebringer, as the old year gives way to a new path. Nations celebrate New Dawn with a grand midnight feast, which commonly features a short play celebrating the changes witnessed in the past year.


A local holiday from the inhabitants of Verte, it is a holiday that celebrates the renewal of the land through winter. It is celebrated in a large fair with a variety of activities and celebratory contests.

Day of Challenging

The holy day of the Stormlord is one of the most raucous holidays. Thousands of spectators attend the annual Godsbrawl, which is held in the fighting ring within the Temple of the Stormlord. The people root for their deity’s favored champion, and there is a fierce (yet friendly) rivalry between the Champion of the Stormlord and the Champion of the Platinum Dragon. The winner earns the title of “Supreme Champion” for an entire year.

Renewal Festival:

Worshippers of the Prime Deities will come together to celebrate the renewal of the world after the sundering. A large festival is thrown worshipping all gods with a large feast welcome to all. The Enclaves are the prime gathering point for these festivals.

Wild’s Grandeur

Though the Archeart is the god of spring, the peak of the spring season is the holy day of the Wildmother. The people in the southern wilds celebrate the Wildmother’s strength by journeying to a place of great natural beauty. This could be the top of a mountainous waterfall, the center of a desert, or even an old and peaceful city park. Though some nations rarely celebrates Wild’s Grandeur, the few who do will plant trees in observance of the holiday.

Harvests Rise:

The celebration of the first stalks growing from the land, it is a time for farmers to gather together and relax as the planting season is done. There are usually small gatherings of the farmers in the towns that will celebrate with contests of how many stalks that have appeared on their field.

Deep Solace

The holy day of The Allhammer is celebrated by especially devout followers in isolation. They meditate on the meaning of family and how they may be better mothers, fathers, siblings, and children. Dwarven communities celebrate with a full day of feasting and drinking.


The celebration of the Zenith of creation by Pelors followers. The Remnant holds this Holiday to a very high standard. Every nation that is protected by the Remnant must celebrate it.

Artisans Faire:

A celebration of the competitions between various artisans, Smiths, Bards, Painters, Sculptors and more.


Also known as “Midsummer”.  The holy day of the Archeart celebrates the first emergence of the Elves into the world from the Feywild. Elves open small doorways into the Feywild and celebrate alongside the wild fey with uncharacteristic vigor.


The holy day of the Dawnfather is the peak of the summer season. The human kingdoms celebrate with an entire week of gift-giving and feasting, ending at midnight on the 21st of Sydenstar. Elves and other races celebrates with gift-giving and a festival of lights for a single day.

Civilization’s Dawn

The holy day of the Lawbearer is the peak of the autumn season. People celebrate with a great bonfire in the square of each neighborhood, around which each community dances and gives gifts.

Night of Ascension

Though the actual date of her rise to divinity is unclear, the holy day of the Matron of Ravens is nonetheless celebrated as the day of her apotheosis. Though most in the lands see this celebration of the dead as unnerving and macabre, the followers of the Matron of Ravens believe that the honored dead would prefer to be venerated with cheer, not misery.


The holy day of the Platinum Dragon is a day of remembrance. Solemnity and respect are shown to those who have fallen in the defense of others.

Winter’s Crest: 

This day celebrates the freedom of the broken lands from Baranax the first betrayer. It is the peak of the winter season, so devout followers of the Matron of Ravens (as the goddess of winter) consider it to be one of her holy days. However, in most of the land, people see Winter’s Crest as a secular holiday, often celebrated with omnipresent music in public areas, lavish gift-giving to relatives and loved ones, and the cutting and decorating of trees placed indoors.  Winter’s Crest is also when the barrier between planes is at its thinnest.        

End of Part 1 of ?

This is the basic setting information, I will be making another that is a breakdown of the countries. Then I’ll finish with a campaign diary esc post that details what my players changed in the world as well. I may also split it up more, as this is 4,000+ words and easily one of the biggest posts on my blog. Thanks for reading and maybe it inspired you to try your own setting!

Jack of All Trades Gaming
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