Creativity in an Open AI World

In a world that could soon be dominated by a chatbot from Open AI that can now imitate your writing, and other bots that imitate coding, art and so much more where does human creativity fit in? Well in my opinion it will never leave. While it is truly sickening to see someone try and pass it off as a substitute for true creativity, there are uses for it in a casual setting.

You are a Unique Voice

No matter what happens, you are a unique voice in this world. AI can replace certain things, but they will never say it the exact way you do. Human touch is something many people enjoy and seek out, I for one know that no matter how much I enjoy AI art, that will never stop my appreciation of real art. An AI art program can only imitate Van Goph, it can never truly capture his art.

You are your own Van Goph.

It sounds cheesy but it’s true. Despite programs like Open AI’s chatgpt I will never stop writing. I have my own weird voice and semi-incorrect grammar and ideas. Nothing that ever is written by a bot will sound like me.

Open AI is a tool, not an Enemy

Give it a creative prompt and enjoy! While I don’t have access to it I will never be mean to a writer who uses it as a creative tool. But nothing else than a tool, your final product shouldn’t contain any AI-generated items if you are a professional writer. However, a casual DM who has writer’s block and needs help? Any AI program is a tool you can use to stop writer’s block, supplement a hard-to-write passage, and so much more. The only other place it doesn’t belong is in schools, but programmers have already created a way to tell if it was used. It’s also from Open AI!

As I see it, this is a world of wonder we are stepping into. While corporations will do what they’ve always done, with these tools individual creativity and productivity will skyrocket.

A Human Touch is Always Worth It

The silly love poem you have written has value to it that someone will appreciate. One thing I have learned while running this website is that any voice can gain traction. A few hundred people look at this every month, sometimes more or less. And I enjoy that fact! I am a small nobody who enjoys being creative in the limited time life allows me. That means some of you are the same!

Starting is the hard part. The fact you keep coming back and keep working on it is everything. It does wonders for mental health and a feeling of pride and joy! The fact that I have over 40 Articles on this site, some that I am more proud of than others, makes me really happy!

Start Now! Do It!

The last thing I have to say in this sentimental post is to do it! That creative thing you have in the back of your mind, that part of you that’s always wanted to do something, do it! Nothing is stopping you, who cares if it’s bad or no one ever sees it? You will always see it, read it, and feel pride about it. Success starts with your own acceptance and happiness in life, use Open AI as a tool, and use AI art as a tool to enhance your RPG campaigns! Take advantage of this stage of the technological revolution to make your day-to-day life amazing!

Jack of All Trades Gaming
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