How D&D Can Change Your Life

I know what your thinking “How can D&D change your life?” Well, I met my best friends through D&D, It brought me through depression, and was with me through the worst times of my life. So D&D can do amazing things, and you should definitely find a friendly group to play with.

Where I started

Youtube and boredom. That started everything, which is funny. I was browsing youtube and stumbled across a D&D video from someone, which led me to Critical Role and then Mathew Colville. It was entertaining, to say the least. Then the months of trying to get a group started, was a long annoying process. I looked for at least four or five months before I actually found four people willing to do it.

Two of them left pretty quickly but the other two stuck around. It led to one of them inviting another player, then they invited another, and it snowballed. I am at a solid six players per game, with another two or three taking personal breaks from D&D, or jumping in now and then for a one-shot character.

The Meanile Beginnings

Saying all that the first player I met was through a friend of a friend. It’s funny all of the people I met started from a random meeting in Destiny 2, playing the blind well. It was a 19-year-old me grasping at any random group to play with for the umpteenth time. But there I was, something started while playing Destiny 2 that I would never have expected.

The Build-Up

The group slowly built up over time and became something great. A group of friends that stick through everything. All because technology allows us to connect over long distances. We have people from Texas, Ohio, New York, New Hampshire, Missouri, and more. It has been amazing, as I now live with some of the people I met playing D&D.

It has also expanded my horizons, and encouraged creativity. Motivation is still hard, but I always look at my own life and find how much more hollow it is without the creative endeavors I often take. Leaving this website for over a year made me realize that I want more than to just sit down and work a 9-5 paycheck to paycheck.

D&D Can Change Your Life To

The thing is, you should try a TTRPG. If you were on the fence and reading this, then take this as a signal to play. Even if you choose something other than D&D, which I actually recommend trying something else, you should play. Meeting people, and continuing to grow the circle of friends and acquaintances you have is something everyone should do. Have fun, and use this as a way to get out there, after all, humans are a social breed.

The Next Phase

Thank you for reading, now time for a status update since I have been gone from this site for a while.

My challenge now is to write one article every week and go from there. I will also be writing an NPC D&D supplement that will be released for free. Previously I made some One Piece content, but that ship has sailed and my interest in it is gone. I will continue to work on this website, and look forward to where the future will take me!

Jack of All Trades Gaming
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