Making 5E Homebrew Magic Items

Dm’s find different thrills in D&D. I find a thrill in making magic items. They don’t have to be fully unique either. Take inspiration from everywhere! Making 5E homebrew magic item is fun, so lets take a look at how to start. From someone who wanted Kratos’s ax, to a magic bow that shoots different elements, the magic item’s can define the campaign. I will share some creations and talk about balancing others. Some of the things here are purposely not balanced, and that’s for a good reason. It can be fun to give a broken item to a high-level player!

Keep Them Simple

I started off by running Deadlands, in it, the players stumbled across a trio of unique items. A deck of cards that had random spells attached to it, A hatchet that worked like Thor’s hammer and a hat that let the player turn into a shadow. These items where fun to use and the hat especially was loved. They were easy to make, and not all that original. But it was meant to give the player’s a set of tools to use and they surprised me in how they were used.

Don’t Worry About Balance at First

You can always make it so the item was cursed, or have it be stolen. 5e homebrew magic items can be balanced in these and many other ways. Make them go on a quest to restore it if you forcibly balanced it. When done right you can make it earned and have it at a higher level where it isn’t so OP. If the magic item is really common then all you need to do is set up an item that nullifies it. The hat for instance works, but in areas without many shadows it is next to useless. Try and keep to a simple plan, for every power it has to make sure it can be nullified by something. This gives you a way to make an enemy seem powerful later on, without being a jerk about it.

Damage And Bonuses to Hit

From level 1-5 if its a weapon try to keep it at an extra 1D6 of damage. Spell wise nothing above 3rd level unless you really want to give them an ace in the hole. As time goes on you can increase the damage if need be. Attack bonuses should also stay at a +1 for awhile. Increasing it to +2 can be extremely hard to balance, and I only recommend it if has no attack bonus.

From level 1-5 if its a weapon try to keep it at an extra 1D6 of damage. Spell wise nothing above 3rd level unless you really want to give them an ace in the hole. As time goes on you can increase the damage if need be. Attack bonuses should also stay at a +1 for awhile. Increasing it to +2 can be extremely hard to balance, and I only recommend it if has no attack bonus.

Adding Flavor to 5e Homebrew Magic Items

Now a simple bow isn’t interesting. even with a bonus, so add flavor. Decide what time in history this item was created, or if it was recently made then what culture or race made it? Give it a matching description. The Marksmen Bow is a longbow made from dark oak, with elven runes engraved into it. The bow hums to the touch, and when using it you feel your eyesight enhanced. Something like that as simple as it is can make it feel more special.

The First Major One I Made

The Bow, the magic bow. This is a magic item one of my players fell in love with and will never let go of. Rin’s Bow is what it ended up being called after Rintakoro Zinaku. He found it but renamed it to fit him. The Abilities of it started simple, roll on a table and a random effect happens. Elemental damage, a windstorm, mephits. It was really fun to sue and a table is included below. At first, it was just the first 1-50 options spread out across farther points, but he upgraded it. In the end, he was able to draw multiple arrows and combine them together.

The Chart

  • 1-10 Lightning. A strike of lightning emerges from the bow, combining with the arrow. 1d8 bonus lightning damage.
  • 11-20 Fire. A shot of fire lights the arrow on fire. 1d8 bonus fire damage.
  • 21-30 Mephits. A trio of unalign Mephits shoot towards the enemy instead of an arrow. They deal 3d6 bludgeoning damage. The mephits attack whoever they where shot at.
  • 31-40 Ice. Ice cloaks the arrow and temporarily freezes the target with a DC 15 Con Save. The save is repeated at the end of the targets turn.
  • 41-50 Poison. 1d8 damage, and on a failed save, CON DC 15, the damage is dealt for two additional turns. On a successful save the target is not positioned for additional turns.

The Upgrade

  • 51-60 Holy. A holy arrow that auto crits on demon’s and devils, but has no affect on the pious. 1d10 bonus radiant damage.
  • 61-70 Water. 200 gallons of water spring from the arrow, creating a brief flow of water that sweeps away those unlucky enough to fail the save. DC 15 dex save.
  • 71-80 Windstorm. A large gale of wind emerges from the arrow. 5d6 bonus wind damage in a 20 foot radius. DC 15 Dex save, half damage on success.
  • 81-85 Acid. A strong acid emerges from the arrow and melts through the enemy. 6d6 bonus poison damage.
  • 86-91 Lava. A lava flow erupts at the feet of the enemy, they are caught in it and take 5d10 damage on a failed dex save DC 15. On success only half damage.
  • 92-94 Shatter. Casts a fourth level version of Shatter on the point of impact. DC 15 save.
  • 95-97 Turns the floor into the element of your choice in a 50 foot range. The floor deals 2d6 damage of the element type, or half as much on a failed dex save while someone is standing in it.
  • 98 Summons a CR5 monster for 1 minute.
  • 99-100 100 Arrows. A 10d10 arrowstorm that blanks out the sun.

The Vestiges of Divergence

These are amazing sets of items found in the Tal’Dorei and Wildemount campaign guides. They guide you through a magic item that levels up with players, and I love them. I have based my own magic items off of them. For instance, a Shield that has sentience and the mind in it is slowly awakened as the player does honorable actions. But this is just a set of things I like to use. You can take inspiration from anywhere, I have included magic items from Comics and Anime before. Anything you can twist to your own is the best.

The Shield of Zadash

This magic item based on the Vestiges of Divergence upgrade system is a great RP tool. It acts as a simple weapon, that forces the players to RP to get all of the benefits. Use it as a simple basis if you want. I have not made an exalted state yet as my player is not a high enough level.

Shield, Requires attunement by a non-evil character.
This massive, silvered shield bearing the crest of Zadash. The metal is warm to the touch. While holding the shield, you a +1 bonus to AC. This bonus is in addition to the shield’s normal bonus to AC. You are also immune to the prone condition whole bearing this shield.


When a creature attacks an ally, you can use your reaction to cast the spell shield on them.
Zadash The Silver Dragon. Sentient shield, he has dark-vision out to 120 ft. 21 charisma, 21 intelligence, and wisdom of 24.
The weapon can communicate telepathically with the one attuned to it, and when asked for others within 30 feet.
The personality of the shield is one of a lawful dragon that was stuck inside, and it hates all evil beings with a passion. It has knowledge of evil creatures, and all devils and demons no matter alignment.

The Start of Making 5E Homebrew Magic Items

Making 5e homebrew magic items is fun! I hope it’s something that you realize you want to do. As a DM you can take inspiration from anywhere, whether it be the official or unofficial book. Go out there make some, follow the basic principles I use, or make your own! You’ll get addicted as fast I did! If you do end up using the two items here please let me know how they work for you, and whether you think they’re balanced.

Jack of All Trades Gaming
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