Making a TTRPG #6 Levelling and Mysteria

Now that time has passed a long-due update is needed, and here we have leveling being addressed as I have a solution! Making a TTRPG is a fun but tough thing, and please leave any feedback on the below systems in the comments.
In this I will also be talking more about, Formations of Will, and the Core and Class Levels. This is a big milestone for me as this is going to be the backbone of the playtest packet I will be releasing later this year!

The Theory Behind Levelling

While making a TTRPG can be fun, the hardest part for me has been leveling. This is inspired by the powers of one piece with my own twists, so making that apparent while also giving options was the hardest part. I ended up deciding on Milestone leveling as a baseline. Then comes the hard part, how do you differentiate between the class talent and the talents of your Mysteria or Formations of Will? In the end, splitting them into two distinct level-up lines was the way I decided. With this, ending a session with a level as a player is in a tight spot and about to awaken a new power is a doable system, that can be a fun way to tell a story.

When a Player gets a level up, they can choose to level up their Core or their Class. Both max out at Level 10. If one decides to go Mysteria-less they will instead be able to level up their character to level 5 in a second chosen class, their *Subclass*. If a Core user is doing a non-Mysteria path and then uses one, they will lose their second class and gain the equivalent amount of Mysteria Points.

Core Class

None Mysteria Path

Level 1

2 Formations of will points

Level 2

1 Level in Subclass

Level 3

2 Formations of will points

Level 4

1 level in Subclass

Level 5

2 Formations of will points

Level 6

1 Level in Subclass

Level 7

2 Formations of will points

Level 8

1 Level in Subclass

Level 9

2 Formations of will points

Level 10

1 Level in Subclass

Mysteria Path

Level 1

2 Formations of will points

Level 2

2 Mysteria Points

Level 3

2 Formations of will points

Level 4

2 Mysteria Points

Level 5

2 Formations of will points

Level 6

2 Mysteria Points

Level 7

2 Formations of will points

Level 8

2 Mysteria Points

Level 9

2 Formations of will points

Level 10

2 Mysteria Points

Mysteria Levels

Every Mysteria point can be used to make a unique player-made movement, damage, or utility-based tech. These all have limitations to damage, use, etc based on the core level. For instance, at Level 2 you aren’t gonna be flying around. I am playtesting a current iteration of Mysteria right now, so in about a month or two you should see some concrete rules.

Formations of Will

Aegis and Accuity are the formations of will that can be manifested by those with the skill and ability to do so. Each has 5 levels. Aegis is focused on physical enhancement, and the enhancement of the player characters’ weapons as well. Accuity is focused on the enhancement of mental and perception-based abilities. With these together they will be getting a full breakdown shortly, as I believe I have close to finished this version of them.

Thank You for your Patience!

Thanks for waiting so long for an update, but this is still being worked on! It is a passion of mine that life has interfered with for far too long, and this is the year of some free rules coming out! With a passion for making a TTRPG reignited, continuing with these semi-monthly updates is a given. Other amazing people are also making new TTRPG, so keep an eye on those as well!

Jack of All Trades Gaming
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