Update #5 New Classes

Hi all, a series of family emergencies and everything that could go wrong in my life for the last 3 odd months heavily killed all my motivation to work on this. However I am back, and working on this again. I will put the rough drafts for 2 new classes below, in the coming weeks I will have an update on the level system ready for you.

A couple of youtube videos have helped revitalize my love for design as well. For now, let’s take a look at these new classes.

The New Classes

With 2 more new classes set up here, these will not reflect the wording in the playtesting packet or the final release. Many of these were written in the last week and are in a personal chicken scratch.


Agility/Strength bases depending on the fighting style chosen.

Level 1

Choose one of the fighting styles

Dual Wielder

The swordsmen can wield 2 light swords at once. The user can deflect any ranged attacks while wielding the 2 swords with a reaction.


This fighting style gives a +2 to hit for any rolls to attack with 2-handed weapons.


Single sword style, when using a 1-handed medium sword the user gets a +2 to damage.

Level 2

At level 2 a swordsman chooses between the 2 following abilities

Coup De Grace- The swordsman surges with power and doubles the damage on their next attack action

A wound on your back is a swordsman’s disgrace. The swordsman gets +2 AR as long as they are facing the enemy, and -1 AR on any attacks to their back.

Level 3

The swordsman gets the ability to make 2 attacks in an attack action, as long as it is with swords.

The swordsman chooses from the below 2 abilities-

Infer Strength They can tell if any swordsmen are their level or weaker, anyone stronger is just classified as stronger

I never get lost The swordsmen always wander, and when they do something interesting happens. It is encouraged that DMS make a unique list base on the character, but a table will be included in the playtesting packet.

Level 4

The Swordsman gets an upgrade to their subclass.

Multi Sword Style

While the swordsmen are using multiple swords they get an extra attack for the extra weapon and increase the deflect die to a d10.


With increased mastery over two-handed weapons, the swordsman now has even more skill, as long as they are wielding a 2 handed sword their reach is increased by 5ft.


The user can now focus on a single enemy, the swordsman can now use the duel skill. Whenever they are fighting a solo enemy they can use a reaction to make an attack action.


Spirit Based

The point of this class is to be a gun-toting class.

Level 1

Choose between the 3


The user specializes in wielding multiple firearms


Specializes in slingshots and other ranged-based weapons

Heavy Weapons

Specializes in heavy cannons

Level 2

The Gunslinger chooses between the 2

Elemental Ammo

The Gunslinger specializes in elemental ammo from the below table

Grow Ammo

The Gunslinger specializes in the table of ammo below.

Level 3

The Gunslinger gets the ability to make 2 attacks in an attack action, as long as it is with a ranged weapon.

The Gunslinger also chooses between the below 2 abilities.

Long Shot

The gunslinger takes a minus to the attack hit, and the number they choose is doubled and added to the damage. For example, a -6 to hit would add 12 damage.

Close Range

The Gunslinger does not incur any to-hit penalties for shooting at point blank range.

Level 4

The Gunslinger can double the effective range of all weapons.

The Real Updates

The realization that I currently don’t have the skills to do this on my own has been sobering. Updating this weekly will not be doable, and I want to put out other things before this. If I did push to get this finished in the next 5 months, then it will be worth next to nothing as I don’t have followers. Without a lot of followers, I can’t get playtesters, and with not much skill in the industry, I am at a loss. With some other self-published things under my belt, maybe I could afford an editor or a graphic designer.

So for now, the updates on this will be more of a monthly endeavor, and soon, you’ll start seeing some self-published content on here soon!

Jack of All Trades Gaming
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