One Piece D&D 5E, Porting Over the D20 System

I have been busy during this lock-down time, a surprising amount actually. My job is unaffected by all of this so its hasn’t really felt real. However one of my friends decided to DM again, and in a One Piece D&D setting. So scrounging around we found the One Piece d20 system. We found the system strange, as primarily 5e player’s we didn’t like some of the skill systems. Not to say its bad, it’s an amazing system that allows for versatile builds. But none of us felt like learning a brand new system. Now i decided to take it on myself and rewrite the systems to fit D&D. I only did it up to 5th level, and only on the classes, careers and races we chose but it was fun. A lot of this is more me changing language to fit it, I didn’t fully create everything here and please check out the original.

I have since made the start of the beginning of sequel posts, this one about devil fruits.

One Piece System

This assumes we use the 5e system, one action, bonus action and free action. The free action don’t take any time at all, though there may be limits to the number of free actions you can perform in a turn. Free actions rarely incur attacks of opportunity.

One Piece Classes


Brawlers are the most common type of fighter in the One Piece world. Showing up to a sword fight without a weapon may sound foolish, but when one reaches a certain level of skill, their fists are stronger and more reliable than any blade. A brawler is a tough offensive style fighter that deals large amounts of damage in quick bursts. They can turn their entire bodies into a weapon including elbows, knees, head, and feet. This means a brawler can even fight just as effectively even with their arms occupied or disabled. Brawlers are important for a crew since they can take a lot of damage while also dishing it back out. Brawlers don’t need to rely on weapons, making disarm attempts pointless. They’re also great support in battle for their nakama, such as being able to throw a swordsman at an enemy to increase the swordsman’s attack damage. The brawler’s greatest weaknesses are things they can’t block. Bullets, for example, may present a challenge.

Class Features

As a Brawler, you gain the following Class Features.

Hit Points: 1d12 per Brawler level

At 1st Level: 12 + your Constitution modifier

At Higher Levels: 1d12 (or 7) + your Constitution modifier per Brawler level after 1st


Armor: Light⁠ armor, Medium Armor, Sheilds

Weapons: Simple Weapons, unarmed strikes

Tools: None

Saving Throws: Strength, Constitution

Skills: Choose two from Acrobatics, Athletics, Intimidation, Nature, Perception, and Survival


You start with the following equip⁠ment, in addition to the equipment⁠ granted by your background:

(a) Brass knuckles or (b) any simple melee weapon

(a) two handaxes or (b) any simple weapon

Reckless Punches

A 1st level Skill, you chance an extra hit towards an enemy. When you make your first Attack on Your Turn, you can decide to a⁠ttack recklessly. Doing so lets you punch with advantage, but gives the enemy advantage on all attacks against you until your next turn.

Fist Damage

Your fists start dealing 1d4 damage, at level 3 it becomes 1d6, at level 8 1d8, at level 12 1d10 and at level 18 1d12.

Unarmed Movement

When only using your fists your movement speed increases by 10ft. If you take this extra movement you are required to use your fists for the attack.

Brawler Points

Starting at 2nd Level, your Training allows you to harness the power of your fists. Access to this energy is represented by several brawler points. Your level determines the number of points you have.

You can spend these points to fuel various features. Starting with two such features: Flurry of Blows and Abuse. You learn more brawler features as you gain levels in this class.

When you spend a brawler point, it is unavailable until you finish a short or Long Rest. You regain these after the rest, which you must spend at least 30 minutes of training.

Some of your brawler features require your target to make a saving throw to resist the feature’s Effects. The saving throw DC is calculated as follows:

Save DC = 8 + your Proficiency Bonus + your dex modifier

Flurry of Blows

Immediately after you take the Attack action on Your Turn, you can spend 1 point to make two unarmed strikes as a Bonus Action.


The brawler may attack their enemy with an unarmed strike. If they successfully hit them the brawler can spend on point to, instead of dealing damage, roll 1d4. For that many rounds the target cannot target anyone but the brawler.

Fist Style

Starting at 3rd level, you choose a fighting style that best exemplifies your style: the Aggressive Punch, or the Bodygaurd, detailed at the end of the class description. Additional features are unlocked at 3rd level and again at 6th, 11th, and 17th level.

Attribute Score Improvement

When you reach 4th Level, and again at 8th, 12th, 16th, and 19th level, you can increase one ability score of your choice by 2, or you can increase two Ability Scores of your choice by 1. As normal, you can’t increase an ability score above 20 using this feature.

Extra Attack

Beginning at 5th Level, you can Attack twice, instead of once, whenever you take the Attack action on Your Turn.

The Agressive Punch

When fighting unarmed or with martial weapons, the brawler gains a +1 damage bonus to all attacks This stance’s abilities cannot be used with heavy armor.

Fast Feet the brawler may attack their enemy with an unarmed strike. If they successfully hit them the brawler can spend on point to use the disengage action and move away.

CROUCHING TIGER spending a Brawler point the brawler may stand up from a prone position while simultaneously attacking a target within melee range. You must be in a prone position to use this Ability.

INFERNO STRIKES the brawler may spend 2 points, heating a hand or foot via friction to a red-hot state. For the next 5 rounds they deal 2 additional fire elemental damage per strike with that appendage.

The Bodygaurd

Fighting unarmed or with simple weapons, the brawler gains a +1 AC bonus. They also receive an additional +1 AC bonus at levels, 6,12, and 18. The stance grants proficiency with Heavy Armour. This stance cannot be used if the brawler is wearing any light armour.

BOB AND WEAVE As a bonus action the brawler can spend one brawler point move their body quickly from left to right, loosening their muscles and joints in a fluid motion. The brawler gains a +2 bonus to AC for the next 3 rounds.

Body Armor Upon spending one brawler point, and the cost of 5 lethal HP per round, the brawler may increase their AC by +2. This effect automatically cancels if the brawler falls unconscious.


A full round action the brawler may launch one of their allies or opponents into the air. The brawler must have enough strength to lift their target. The distance they can throw the target depends on their STR, but it will always be at least 10ft further than a normal character their size could throw. If the brawler is throwing an opponent, the target can attempt a reflex save vs a DC of 15 + brawler’s character level to dodge or the target can attempt a STR check break out of the brawler’s grip. The target rolls a STR roll at a -5 against the brawler’s STR roll. The target can attempt either of these checks when the brawler first captures them, but can only use the STR check during each round the brawler continues to hold them


Every Specialist is a unique creation. This is the class that specializes in unique weapons which are custom built by the player controlling them.  Specialists rely on advanced and customized weapons or armor which they can use in battle. Using their brains over brawn, specialists constantly keep their enemies guessing about their next move. They keep numerous tricks up their sleeves such as lighting rooms on fire, commanding swarms of insects to attack foes, or throwing bags of money… and explosives. Specialists are usually characters who specialize in non-combat oriented careers. Since they typically lack physical prowess, specialists instead depend on their weapons, tools,  and nakama to help and defeat their enemies. Given enough time to strategize and the opportunity to execute a plan, a Specialist could end a battle with a single brilliant attack. However if disarmed or without supplies, a specialist could find themselves in big trouble.

Starts with a specialist weapon with an enhanced attack ability. Requires 14 Intelegence.

Class Features

As a specailist, you gain the following Class Features.

Hit Points: 1d8 per specailist level

At 1st Level: 8 + your Constitution modifier

At Higher Levels: 1d8 (or 5) + your Constitution modifier per level after 1st


Armor: Light⁠ armor

Weapons: Simple Weapons, pistols, longswords, rapiers, shortswords.

Tools: All Forging and tinkering tools.

Saving Throws: Dexterity, Intelegence

Skills: Choose any three


You start with the following equipm⁠ent, in addition to the equipment⁠ granted by your background:

(a) a specialist tool, (b) a Longsword, or (c) any simple weapon

Leather Armor and a Dagger


Build your own custom weapon using the follow materials: wood, leather, bone, iron, cloth, and dyes. This weapon cannot have any special abilities but it can have its own custom shape and style of attack. Starting damage is 1d6 for any weapon, to be improved later.

Add a new special attack to your custom weapon. You can use the following materials or other materials which can be found at a marketplace: oil, batteries, gunpowder, coal, string, wire, glue, perfumes, poisons, acids, glass, copper, steel, chainmail, ink, paper, and rubber. This adds 1d6 damage to the weapon of the type specified. If it is a ranged addition it has a reach of 10ft+ normal range of weapon. For instance a sword would have a range of 15 ft with a flamethrower attachment.


Once per battle, as a bonus action, you can perform a rousing speech for your nakama. All of your allies within 50 feet gain +1 to attack and +1 to defense rolls. This effect wears off when the battle is over.

Elemental Styles

Starting at level 2, There are a few elements a Specialist can use to enhance themselves, below is a list of skills that harness these elements. A Specialist can choose one style to go with their weapon


ICE SPEAR Thespecialist can now fire a large, razor sharp ice spear at their target up to 20ft away. Use your specialist weapon attack skill to determine if the attack succeeds. If it does, the target takes 2d6 cold damage increased by a d6 at levels: 6, 9, 12, 15, and 18.

FREEZING SPRAY Must have a specialist weapon which deals cold damage. Benefit: The specialist installs a spray nozzle onto their freeze weapon with a range of 10 feet. To use the spray attack normally as a standard action. If you’re successful, instead of taking damage, they become slowed, On its turn, it can use either an action or a bonus action, not both. Regardless of the creature’s abilities or magic items, it can’t make more than one melee or ranged attack during its turn.


GREASE FIRE As a full round action you spray high quality oil onto three adjacent 5x5ft squares around you, within 20ft, and light it with your weapon causing an inferno. Anyone on those squares takes 2d6 heat damage, this increases by 1d6 at levels 6, 9, 12, 15, and 18. They can make a reflex save vs a DC of 15 to take half damage. The fire expires after 3 rounds.

BLAZING WEAPONRY As a standard action you may apply high quality oil to your weapon or your nakama’s weapon, increasing its damage by +2 heat damage. This effect lasts for 1 minute.


CHAIN SHOCK Electrical damage attacks made by the specialist can now chain to an additional target within 10ft of the original target. The additional target only takes half the electrical damage the main target suffered.

STATIC TOUCH Must have a specialist weapon which deals electrical damage. As an attack, the specialist can perform a melee touch attack with their weapon, stunning their target for 1d4 rounds. This effect cannot be executed with ammo, the weapon itself must touch the target. This ability can be used 3 times a day.


At this point a specialist decides between Sorcerer, and Inventor. Both of these are detailed at the end of the class description.

Attribute Score Improvement

When you reach 4th Level, and again at 8th, 12th, 16th, and 19th level, you can increase one ability score of your choice by 2, or you can increase two Ability Scores of your choice by 1. As normal, you can’t increase an ability score above 20 using this feature.

Specialist Weapon Improvement

At 5th level your weapons elemental damage die increases to 1d8. You can also create a new specialist weapon. This weapon follows the same rules as the initial one.


A Specialist who becomes an Inventor can make unique items for themselves and allies. They can also turn their allies weapons into simple specialist weapons, and make special ammo for ranged weapons. These weapons deal an extra 1d4 damage, and can only have enhancements to damage no elemental styles. A technician can only maintain 2 of these enhancements at one time.

IT’S BIGGER ON THE INSIDE The specialist invents a large, complex, blue satchel using scraps of leather, cloth, and rope. The satchel has numerous straps and pulleys which reduce the weight of any object in the satchel by 50%. The bag itself is infinitely big on the inside, however to carry it the specialist must be able to lift the weight of its contents. Objects more than 3ft in diameter at all angles cannot fit into the satchel’s opening. Only the specialist can equip this satchel properly, anyone else using it doesn’t receive the weight reduction effect. To pull an object out of the bag is a standard action. Living creatures cannot be put in the satchel.

BELI BOMB as a action the specialist sneaks a explosive into a pouch of coins with a large Beli symbol written on it. The specialist then lobs the pouch up to 30ft away where it lands with the satisfying sound of a hundred coins chinking. This bomb explodes either when someone touches it, or at the beginning of the specialist’s next turn. The explosion deals 1d6 damage per 2 character levels of the specialist in a 10ft diameter. The specialist must sacrifice 100 Beli per bomb.

Caltrop Armor As a standard action the Specialist can apply some sticky adhesive to a hand-full of caltrops and stick them to a nakama’s armor. Anyone attacking the nakama with fists or other physical body parts automatically takes 1d6 counter damage. The adhesive wears off after an hour. The caltrops cannot be reused.


Upon taking this subclass, the specialist gains the ability to negate certain elemental damage, and harness It to you. They can choose to spend a reaction twice per day to reduce elemental damage by 1d10+Specailist level.

ELEMENTAL OILS  The Specialist’s work with quality oils has reached a masterful level. They can now even use high quality oil to repel elemental forces. As a full round action the Specialist may apply this oil to themselves or a nakama. For the next hour they gain +10 damage reduction against any elemental attacks. This oil requires 4 hours to make, and a series of ingredients worth 5000 beli.

EXPLOSIVE CALTROPS The specialist now imbues their caltrops with tiny explosive charges. Instead of dealing the normal 1 point of damage, it deals 1d6 explosive damage.

REFLECT Using their weapon, a specialist can use a reaction to reflect elemental damage of the same type back to the attacker. This requires a dc of 10 or half the damage dealt to the Specialist, whichever is higher.


Attacking at range with incredible accuracy, a marksman is to be feared. Marksmen are glass cannons, who can deal high amounts of damage yet have little to defend themselves with. They can specialize in a variety of weapons including pistols, rifles, slingshots, bows, cannons, and more. All of these weapons have their own strengths and weaknesses for battle. For example, a rifle might be a great weapon to use at far range but would be useless when out of ammo or if you’re caught in a close range battle. A marksman is valuable to any crew for their many supportive capabilities. They can see enemy ships and landmarks easier than others, which make them great for early warnings. In battle, they can cover their melee comrades by attacking enemies with glue, fire, or a variety of other detrimental effects via special projectiles and pop greens (special seeds which spawn hostile plant life). A marksman may even choose to end a battle before it starts, sniping an enemy at far range before they know what hit them.

Class Features

As a Marksmen, you gain the following Class Features.

Hit Points: 1d10 per Marksmen level

At 1st Level: 10 + your Constitution modifier

At Higher Levels: 1d10 (or 6) + your Constitution modifier per Ranger level after 1st


Armor: Light⁠ armor, Medium Armor, Shields

Weapons: All ranged weapons, Simple Weapons, Martial Weapons

Tools: None

Saving Throws: Strength, Dexterity

Skills: Choose three from Animal Handling, Athletics, Insight, Investigation, Nature, Perception, Stealth⁠, and Survival


You start with the following Equipment, in addition to the Equipment granted by your background:

(a) Scale Mail or (b) Leather Armor

(a) two shortswords or (b) two simple Melee Weapons

(a)A Longbow and a Quiver of 20 Arrows or (b) A firearm and 20 shots


As an action, if the marksman isn’t in melee combat, they may lock on to a target of choice within weapon range. Their next normal attack receives a +10 ranged damage bonus against that target for their next attack if they remain in line of sight.


Starting at level 1. Each time the marksman fires his weapon, they roll a 1d4. If the result is a 4, the ammo instantly regenerates back into their quiver, clip, or other ammo holding device. This ability has no effect on ranged weapons such as explosives or thrown weapons. At level 10 the chance increases to 50%, a roll of 3 or 4 will regen the ammo.

Fighting Styles

At level 2 the marksmen picks a ranged weapon style to use. You adopt a particular style of fighting as your specialty. Choose one of the following options.

You can’t take a Fighting Style option more than once, even if you later get to choose again.


You gain a +2 bonus to Attack rolls you make with Ranged Weapons.


While you are wearing armor, you gain a +1 bonus to AC.


When you are wielding a pistol in one hand and no other Weapons, you gain a +2 bonus to Damage Rolls with that weapon.

Two-Weapon Fighting

When you engage in two-weapon fighting, you can add your ability modifier to the damage of the second Attack.

Marksmen Archetype

At 3rd level a marksmen can choose the Artillerist or Sniper archetypes, both detailed at the end of the class description. Your choice grants you features at 3rd Level and again at 7th, 11th, and 15th level.

Attribute Score Improvement

When you reach 4th Level, and again at 8th, 12th, 16th, and 19th level, you can increase one ability score of your choice by 2, or you can increase two Ability Scores of your choice by 1. As normal, you can’t increase an ability score above 20 using this feature.

Extra Attack

Beginning at 5th Level, you can Attack twice, instead of once, whenever you take the Attack action on Your Turn.


At 3rd level you get access to three special attacks. You also get proficiency in tinker tools. You can begin to make your own ammo to firearm based weapons, and with the help of a specialist you can make elemental ammo. To make ammo you require the raw materials. Crafting a smoke grenade requires an tinkering roll with a DC of 15, flash bang requires 18, and frag grenades require 22

Artillerist saves have a DC of 8+Dex+Prof of the Marksmen.

FLASH BANG As an attack action the marksman can now arm and accurately throw a flash bang up to 50ft away causing everyone within 20ft of it to become blinded upon failure of a dex save.. They remain blinded for 1d4+1 rounds. They must have a flash bang in their inventory.

FRAG GRENADE As an attack action the marksman can now arm and accurately throw a grenade up to 50ft away causing everyone within 20ft of it to take 2d6 piercing damage. Each target may roll a dex save to take half damage. If any target beats the roll by 10 or more, they may pick up and toss the grenade up to 20ft in any direction before it explodes, nullifying the damage completely in the original attack area.

SMOKE GRENADE As an attack action the marksman can now arm and accurately throw a smoke grenade up to 50ft away causing a 20ft diameter sphere of smoke. Anyone inside the cloud of smoke has a +1 bonus to AC  and can only move at half their normal rate. This smoke lasts 10 rounds normally but may dissipate faster if it is windy.


The Sniper is meant for those Marksmen who value accuracy above all. When taking this the Marksmen ignores all cover, gets access to three ranged skills, and the Lock On now applies to the next two normal attacks the marksman executes.

Hidden Daggers The marksman can now conceal three throwing daggers in their clothing. After being thrown, the marksman will need to retrieve the daggers or purchase new ones. Each time the marksman is attacked in melee combat, they can quickly toss a dagger at their opponent dealing 1d4 damage as a reaction.

Far Shot The Marksmen becomes skilled enough that they increase the range of all ranged weapons by 100 ft, and all thrown weapon ranges are doubled.

SHOT ON THE RUN The character may move before and after firing a single ranged shot provided that they don’t move more than their speed allows in a single move action.


There are many swordsmen in the One Piece world. The most unique feature most swordsmen display is the number of swords they can use at once. While most typical swordsmen use one or two, some have learned ways to use 3, 4, 6, 9, or more. Usually this is due to the fighter having more than 2 hands. However, some use their mouths, feet, hair, or other techniques to incorporate more blades into their attacks. The number of swords doesn’t seem to directly scale with ability or strength however. The most powerful swordsman in the world may only use one sword. Swordsmen are vital to any crew for their combat prowess, unique defensive skills, and various support utilities. Swordsmen typically fall into one of two categories, Speed or Power. Both have their advantages and disadvantages.

Class Features

As a Fighter, you gain the following Class Features.

Hit Points: 1d10 per Swordsmen level

At 1st Level: 10 + your Constitution modifier

At Higher Levels: 1d10 (or 6) + your Constitution modifier per Fighter level after 1st


Armor: Light, medium armor, sheilds

Weapons: All swords, simple weapons.

Tools: None

Saving Throws: Strength, Constitution

Skills: Choose two Skills from Acrobatics, Animal Handling, Athletics, History, Insight, Intimidation, Perception, and Survival


You start with the following Equipment, in addition to the equipment⁠ granted by your background:

(a) Chain Mail or (b) Leather Armor, shortsword, and 2 daggers

(a) any sword and a Shield or (b) two swords

(a) 2 throwing daggers

Multisword Fighting

The swordsman also gains access to multisword fighting, and must declare one sword as the primary, which they will always attack with at their full main-hand bonus. The swordsman may then attack with two of their remaining swords during each attack action, at –4 for the second and –8 for the third. They cannot attack with more than 3 swords in a single attack action.

When fighting with two or more swords, you can choose if they are finesse or strength weapons no matter the sword. You can also add your chosen modifier to the damage, effectively making it a near normal hit.

At Level 3 the penalty to hit is reduced to -3, and -6

When reaching level 6 it is reduced to -2, -5

At level 9 it is reduced to -1,-3

And at level 12 the penalty is a -2 for the third hit.

At level 15 both penalties are gone.

Air Cutter

The swordsman can now attack enemies from a distance with blades of air. Take a -2 penalty per 5ft of distance between the swordsman and the target then apply damage normally.


Starting at level 2 the swordsmen gets access to two maneuvers.

REVENGE Any enemy which attacks one of the swordsman’s nakama instantly becomes a target for revenge. When a revenge target is attacked by the swordsman’s blades, they take a bonus 1d6 damage. Once an attack lands on them from the swordsman, the target is no longer a target for revenge.

BLADE GUARD As an action the swordsman may ready their blade in a defensive posture. They cannot attack while in this posture but gain a +4 defense bonus.


At level 3 the swordsmen chooses between the Power and Haste styles. These styles are detailed at the end of the class description.

Ability Score Improvement

When you reach 4th Level, and again at 8th, 12th, 16th, and 19th level, you can increase one ability score of your choice by 2, or you can increase two Ability Scores of your choice by 1. As normal, you can’t increase an ability score above 20 using this feature.

Extra Attack

Beginning at 5th Level, you can use the Attack action two times, instead of once, whenever you take the Attack action with a sword on Your Turn.

Power Style

Entering and exiting this stance is a standard action. The swordsman gains a +2 damage bonus. However, the swordsman also takes a -2 defense penalty. They also get access to three special powers.

ADRENALINE SURGE While the swordsman’s current HP is less than half their maximum HP, they gain a +2 damage bonus to all melee attacks

CRATER STOMP As an attack action the swordsman gathers all his strength into one of his legs and stomps the ground. This creates a large crater around the swordsman. Anyone within 10ft of the swordsman immediately moves 5ft closer to the swordsman, unless they are already in melee range. They have to roll a dex save vs a DC check of 15 + half the swordsman’s level. If they fail, they also fall prone.

CLEAVE If the swordsman successfully hits their intended target in their Power stance, they get an immediate extra melee attack against another creature within reach. You cannot take a 5-foot step before making this extra attack. The extra attack is with the same weapon and at the same bonus as the attack that hit the previous creature. The same creature cannot be hit more than once with a cleave attack during the swordsman’s turn. This continues until the swordsman either misses a target or runs out of targets within reach.

Haste Style

Entering and exiting this stance is a standard action. While in this stance you gain +10 Land Movement and a +1 to AC.

RUN ON WATER While in the Haste stance, the swordsman’s steps are so fast they can run across the surface of water. As long as they keep running at full speed, they won’t sink. No other actions may be performed while this ability is in effect or the swordsman will sink. Devil Fruit characters may travel across the water’s surface without suffering a penalty this way. This effect will last up to (5 + the swordsman’s DEX modifier) minutes at which point the swordsman will start to sink. If the swordsman cannot move at their character’s full movement speed for any reason (heavy armor, overburdened, tangled, etc) they cannot use this feat. 

WICKED STRIKE The swordsman performs a quick melee strike at their opponent. Their sword appears to cut the target, however, it does no physical damage. The target rolls their wisdom save vs a DC of 15+the swordsman’s level. If they fail, they become frightened for 2 rounds.

BLADE COUNTER A swordsman may choose to use their reaction when attacked and instead roll for a counter attack using their primary sword. Treat this as a single normal attack roll. If the attack succeeds, both players are hit simultaneously. If the attack fails, only the swordsman receives damage in the exchange. Blade Counter cannot be used when the opponent is outside the swordsman’s attack range or against another blade counter attack.

One Piece Races


Physical Description: Humans in One Piece are much like they are in real life. They have diverse skin tones, all types of hair, and are commonly the same size and proportion. However, there are exceptions where the humans in One Piece may have various body parts which are vastly out of normal human standards. For example, a human could be 16 feet tall, or have a 10 inch nose, or have skinny legs but also have huge arms/torso. There are also examples of humans having drastic similarities to animal species. In the series, a couple men look almost exactly like monkeys. While the vast majority of humans look just like normal people, you’re welcome to customize your human character as much as you want.


Humans are the most common and dominant race in the world, making up more than 95% of the world’s population. They call each and every sea in the world their home and rule at the top of most of the world’s organizations.  They also possess the most advanced technology and are arguably the most intelligent race in the world, though that is mostly due to humans having the highest population to pull geniuses out of. Depending on the island and area of the world, human societies differ greatly, though most live under the rules and regulations of the world government. Humans seeking power or adventure often become pirates or marines so they can travel and become stronger.


Humans can be a cruel race and have in the past, enslaved many of the other races to do their bidding. Officially, slavery is now illegal, however there are still black market slave-trades, many of which are supported by the world government but covered up. Due to this, some of the other races still hold a grudge, especially the Fishmen, who were treated very poorly during the days of slavery. Other than some of the Fishmen though, most of the other races have forgiven humanity for their past transgressions and treat them kindly. 

Alignment and Religion

Humans are across the board when it comes to their alignments and respect for the law. Some are exceptionally kind and law abiding while others are ruthlessly cruel. Generally, humans are good or neutral and tend to follow whatever laws the world government enforces upon them. Religion wise, it’s much the same. Some humans worship a god or gods, while others are atheists. No true deity has ever been exposed in the One Piece series so it matters little what religion you choose, though it may affect your character’s personal morals. 

Human Racial Traits

Varied Nature -a +1 to all attribute score points, and +2 to one.

Size – Small to Large

Normal Speed – 30ft/turn on Land, 20ft/turn in Water

Gluttonous – Humans have the potential to unlock more of the devil fruit upon eating it, they can choose one higher tier devil fruit skill to learn upon finding a fruit.


Physical Description: Cyborgs are not technically a race of their own. They are a collection of many races that have been surgically altered with metallic and/or electric parts. Typically cyborgs are large and have exaggerated features such as huge forearms or giant torsos. Within these features they hide their cyborg technology and weapons. With metallic skin, enhanced eyes, tireless legs, and other implanted features, cyborgs can be tough to take down. All cyborgs retain their ability to breed as if they were still a member of their original race.


Cyborgs don’t have a society of their own. Cyborgs with minds of their own usually just live with their family and friends like a normal member of their original race. If the cyborg isn’t self aware, they will most likely be the agent of a scientist or the world government.


Cyborgs aren’t well known by the world’s population. Only a handful of people know of their existence and of those, they typically see cyborgs as a weapon or an enemy. It’s rare for a cyborg to be accepted once their secret is discovered, however they make a powerful ally to whoever can form a mutual trust with them. If the cyborg isn’t self aware they will only see others as targets or non-targets.

Alignment and Religion: Cyborgs who are self aware can be of any alignment since they have free will. However, if the cyborg is a mindless servant, they will be the ultimate form of neutrality. They will follow any order given to them by their master and will complete their mission without happiness or remorse.

Cyborg Racial Traits

Mechanical Warrior – +2 CON, +2 STR, -2 CHA

Size – Size range of original race

Mechanical Legs – Land/Water movement of original race

Unnatural Body – The cyborg cannot heal naturally, they require medical attention whenever they are injured. Additionally, poison and disease type effects last twice as long on a cyborg since they have poor immune systems.

Gas Guzzler – Must consume ½ bottle of fuel per day to survive, starts with 3 bottles of fuel storage. A cyborg can use any type of typical fuel (gasoline/oil/etc) or they may use beverages (cola/tea/fruit juice). When using a fuel of their preference a cyborg will act normally. However, if a cyborg is filled with a different type of fuel their personality may shift dramatically. For example, a cyborg that uses tea as their main fuel type may become enraged if they are instead filled with hot sauce. Fresh water, sea water, and other non-calorie liquids cannot be used as an energy source. If a cyborg’s current fuel supply drops to ½ bottle or lower, they enter a “Low On Fuel” status. See the status effects section for more information.

Initial Implant

Starts with 1 Cyborg Implant (see Cyborg Implants section for more information), and gains one more every 4 levels after. At level 20 the cyborg will have 6 implants. You can work with your DM to create a more customized list for your unique cyborg if you don’t want any of the example implants from this document.

Sky Tribesmen

Physical Description: There are three Sky Tribes; the Skypieans, Shandians, and the Birkan. Skypieans look very human but have very pale skin, light hair colors, and short white wings. They style their hair into two antennae, much like insect antennae. The Shandians resemble Native American tribes, with dark tan or reddish skin, tribal tattoos, and black hair. Shandian wings are slightly longer than Skypiean wings. Last are the Birkans who are a bit of a mystery. Only a few have been seen in the series so far. They typically wear white robes and have strong battle skills. Their wings have more of a downward angle than the other two sky tribes and they sometimes have body features which are angelic or demonic in appearance, such as small horns. All three tribe’s wings are too small to be of any functional use, they are just there for appearance.


Skypieans have a peaceful society which relies heavy upon their laws and regulations. They are lead by “God”, not a real god but a king of sorts. Skypieans rely heavily on dials (see dials section) which they use for just about everything from household chores to battle. Shandians live somewhat humbler lives but also use dials to help in their everyday lives. They worship an ancient city and bell which their ancestors protected for hundreds of years before them. As far as anyone knows, the Birkan’s civilization was destroyed. They now live only as outcasts and nomads in random parts of the world and no longer have a society to call their own.


The Skypieans and Shandians were recently at war with each other over the Skypieans stealing the Shandian’s land. Skypieans worship Vearth, the soil from the world below the clouds. When an entire island of Vearth was shot into the clouds with the Shandians still on it, the Skypieans invaded and forced the Shandians off their land. However, that is all in the past and the Skypieans returned the land and the two cultures now live in peace with each other. The Birkan’s don’t really have any major factions with or against them anymore.

Alignment and Religion

Skypieans, for a while, worshipped the god Enel. He had incredible power and he had all the residents of the Sky Islands living in fear. In reality, Enel was just a Devil Fruit user and he was defeated. Enel left the Sky Islands and now the old god, Gan Fall, is back in charge of the Skypieans. Everyone knows he is not a true god, but they treat him as a king. The Shandians worship their ancestors above all else and believe in protecting their ancient city. The Alignment of the Sky races varies greatly, however there are stereotypes. Skypieans are generally good natured and kind, as there haven’t been any evil Skypieans exposed in the series yet. Shandians are greatly neutral, and will fight any faction to protect what they believe in. The Birkan have always been represented as evil or violent.

Sky Tribesmen Racial Traits

Skypiean: +2 INT, +2 WIS, -2 STR, Shandian: +2 DEX, +2 WIS, -2 INT, Birkan: +2 STR, +2 INT, -2 CHA • Size – Small to Large

Angelic Steps – 30ft/turn on Land, 20ft/turn in Water

Dial Mastery – Grants the feat Dial Mastery, which is only available to Sky Tribesmen

Mantra – Starts with the Kenbunshoku Haki Feat. The skill bonuses are only +5 instead of +10. The DC to maintain the effect is reduced to 17. The Sky Tribesman cannot purchase any additional ranks or achieve the feat’s full potential until the normal prerequisites are met.

This stance can be activated once per hour and lasts for 1 minute. At the beginning of each turn, the user must successfully roll a concentration DC check vs a DC of 20 to not fall out of the stance. The user gains a +5 bonus to AC, perception, investigation, and insight checks. When duration expires you may exit the stance or switch to a different stance as a standard action.

One Piece Careers

Careers are the special backgrounds of the One Piece world. These level up with your class giving you special skills and abilities to use in aiding your Nakama.


Food is important to keep a crew healthy and happy, and no one creates better food than a trained chef. Without proper nutrition, a crew will become sick and weak. Without someone trained on how to stock food for long journeys and how to prepare food to get every ounce of benefit from it, an inexperienced crew could find themselves starving to death within weeks. Chefs on the sea aren’t pushovers either, they are as fierce as any pirate and you’d be a fool to challenge them. More than just nutrition, master chefs can make meals that not only fill bellies, but strengthen the body. Cooking food capable of increasing the growth of crewmates, allowing them to train harder and strengthen their minds and bodies faster. 

 **Important Note!** – Only one meal effect can be active at a time, per character. If they eat another meal the original meal’s effect is nullified. Drink effects stack with meal effects but not with other drinks

As a cook you gain proficiency in all chefs tools, performance and intimidation


At level 1, When attacking a non-humanoid creature, the chef may attempt to “Cook” it. To attempt this, roll the primary attack skill of your choice. If successful, then roll your cooking skill. If your resulting cooking roll exceeds the creature’s current HP you fatally wound it and begin cooking it on the spot. The amount of food produced varies on the size of the creature. If it is a poisonous creature, it is immune to this feat.


At level 2, You have the ability to cut off edible sections of poisonous or otherwise inedible foodstuffs to be used in emergency situations. Take ¼ of the weight of the poisonous food and convert it to edible foodstuffs.


At level 3 you are confident enough to make special foods, choose one of the two below, you get the other at level 6.

Special Shots You now have access to caffeinated drinks which can have various effects on whoever drinks them. The effects include: +2 STR, +2 INT, cures fatigue, increase initiative by +2, or increase HP by +5. This effect lasts for one hour and when it wears off, the drinker becomes fatigued. If he was already fatigued he becomes exhausted. You must pick which effect you would like your energy shot to produce before crafting it. See the cooking skill for more information.

Attack Cuisine A special cooking technique which makes the food emanate a powerful aura and flavor. Whoever eats this food temporarily gains +2 STR, +2 CON, or +2 DEX for eight hours. You must choose which attribute you wish the food to bolster before crafting it. See the cooking skill for more information.


You create a garden on your ship (or home) which slowly but steadily increases your food supplies. Each play session, if you have access to the garden, you gain 10lb of normal food, 5lb of high quality food, and 1lb of coffee beans. Applying a bag of fertilizer to the garden doubles its output for the next play session. 


At level 5, you now have training with not only food but also delicious and fancy drink choices. All of your meals taste better since you can serve the perfect complimenting drink to accompany it. You gain a +1 bonus to all cooking rolls.


A Doctor’s worth should be obvious on a journey that involves high risks and dangerous battles. Doctors come in many shapes and sizes and have many different techniques, but in the end, they tend to the wounded and bring them back to health the best they can. A doctor’s services can be an excellent way to earn some extra cash or to make new friends. A doctor’s morality is high and they will insist on treating wounded people, even if it’s inconvenient for the rest of their crew – excluding enemies of course. They are often against violence when possible and tend not to be strong combatants, however there are always exceptions. Doctor’s can have other functions outside of just healing the injured. They can provide powerful drugs, hormones, and stimulants to enhance the crew’s battle capabilities. They are only limited by the tools and ingredients they have. A skilled doctor with a full medical bay of supplies and advanced technology can perform incredible treatments for the gravest wounds

As a doctor you gain proficiency in all doctors tools, medicine and investigation.


At level 1 The doctor and their crew gain a +1 bonus to CON+WIS saves. If someone leaves the doctor’s crew for more than a week, the effect is nullified.


At level 2, A doctor with knowledge of herbal medicine can create potent medicines almost anywhere using local plant species. These medicines can be used by anyone as balms, or consumed in teas or soups. Treat this as a crafting feat and roll your medicine skill to see if your successful. The base DC is 10, and allows the crafting of a herbal remedy of 2d4+2.


At level 3, Having worked as an amateur doctor for so long, the doctor now has the skills required to obtain a real medical license. This requires the doctor to visit a government testing center, pay 25,000 to take the test, and then roll a medicine check of 15 or higher to succeed. Once the doctor obtains a license, they gain a permanent +3 bonus to all medicine checks.


At level 4, Microbiology is the study of bacteria and other small organisms. This allows the doctor to create cultures which you can then use to infect others via food, injection, or some other form of entry into the body. This disease cannot be transferred through airborne means. Any creature exposed to your disease loses 1d6 health every hour for 1d6 hours. A CON save vs a DC of 18 can be rolled to avoid the effect


At 5th level The doctor is now able to throw a potion at his nakama, rather than having them waste time drinking it. To successfully execute this ability the doctor must use their ranged shot skill to accurately throw the potion, up to 30ft, at their nakama. If successful, the potion’s effects are applied as normal. If the doctor misses their target, the potion is destroyed without any effects. Characters without this feat cannot throw the potions with any effect, they will just be wasted.

Bounty Hunter

Always up for some easy cash, bounty hunters are easy to understand. Typically looking to make a profit, they are always on the hunt for big bounties and opportunities to get their name known across the world. Some bounty hunters have more noble motivations however, such as vigilante justice, but the majority of them are just strong fighters who aren’t interested in angering the world government by becoming pirates. They often live as wanderers, going from bounty to bounty to feed themselves and pay for lodging. In times of need they are good hunters due to their natural talents at tracking and killing.


At level 1 As an attack action the bounty hunter strikes at the target’s ankle, reducing their movement by half. The attack’s damage is calculated normally however instead of rolling defense to avoid the strike, the target rolls their dex save vs a DC of 15 + the bounty hunter’s level. If the target succeeds, the attack fails.


At level 2 Once per day, the bounty hunter can focus on his task and ignore distractions like pain or frustration. They gain a +3 bonus to any survival check related to tracking, This effect only lasts for the first check.


At level 3 A bounty hunter can shift any of their weapons so they become non-lethal without any of the normal penalties. This includes weapons such as explosives that are normally lethal. While in this non-lethal posture, the bounty hunter cannot kill their target. To shift in and out of this posture is a bonus action.

Tell Me What I Need to Know

Level 4 Your name and appearance become common knowledge. People will recognize you and perhaps try to get revenge. However, so much recognition gives you a +3 bonus to any intimidate rolls relating to a bounty. This includes gathering information, to convincing them to surrender.


At level 5 The bounty hunter gains a +1 damage bonus to normal attacks when outdoors.


Scientists are rare to find on a ship these days, but it’s not unheard of. Scientists are all about experiments and creating new and interesting technologies. With vast amounts of intelligence, they observe and study the world around them. Scientists are great at enhancing weapon capabilities, adding new features to ships and creating usually new and exciting items. The reason scientists are rare to find at sea is that they need a lab in which to work. With delicate experiments, it would be impossible to perform them on rough seas. Sea water is also a constant problem due to the rust and damage it can cause to mechanical instruments. To have a scientist onboard means to customize the ship to suit their needs, however the trouble may well be worth it. Scientists may be able to solve otherwise impossible problems for the crew or the residents of foreign islands.

As a scientist you gain proficiency in all alchemical tools, INV checks regarding inventions, history and investigation.

Chemical Grenade

As a full-round action the scientist may lob a chemical grenade up to 50ft with an effect radius of 10ft. The grenade deals 1d6 corrosive damage plus an additional 1d6 per 4 character levels of the scientist.

Working Alone

At level 2 When working alone in a room, the scientist gains a +2 skill bonus to any checks regarding tools or research. If anyone enters the room the scientist must wait at least an hour before this bonus can apply again.

Cyborg Repairman

At level 3, As an action, you may now heal cyborgs using your invent skill. Roll your int vs a DC of 17. If successful, you heal the cyborg for 1d6 points of HP.

Discern Devil Fruit

At level 4, you can now easily identify if someone is using a devil fruit ability. While a normal person may see an ability as a trick, natural/cyborg ability, or supernatural phenomenon, you can spot a fruit’s powers like its second nature. You gain a +5 to insight checks when trying to determine whether someone is using a fruit’s ability. If successful, you also have a 25% chance of figuring out the nature of the devil fruit based on the ability you spotted. This special spot action may be used once per combat turn.

Devil Fruit Research

At level 5, you now have enough knowledge to try and predict the outcome of eating any given devil fruit, even if it’s not listed in any books. This process isn’t guaranteed to work, but it’s much better than just randomly eating the fruit and hoping for the best. You have a 50% chance to gain enough knowledge to tell roughly what the fruit’s abilities are. However, you also have a 50% chance of being completely wrong. The DM should perform this roll secretly and provide the necessary details. This skill cannot be used to identify any devil fruits obtained during character creation.

Jack of All Trades Gaming
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3 years ago

Like this a ot i would like more details


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3 years ago

Sincerely Great Job, really helpful for the campaign i plan to start soon.

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