One Piece D&D Haki

Haki, the Colour of Arms, the Will of the Conquerers, and Observation. These types of Haki are unique power-ups that can be learned by players, and with the exception of Conquerors Haki, they are common among enemies as well. So how does one implement this in a tabletop setting? Well, there are many ways but here are a few.

Armemant Haki, The Easy way

Make it a +1 base to damage. That’s it. Any damage a DF user is resistant to, like a logia or Luffy’s rubber skin, is also ignored. When the player gets more skilled then they increase it, to the point where it adds 1 AC and +1 damage, and keep increasing it. Full-body haki should be a +3 in AC and Damage, for instance, so use these as a guideline.

Observation Haki

Observation is a fun one. I would say an increase in saving throws, and advantage on perception are the easiest ways to do it. You can also give it part of the sharpshooter feat that negates distance, to make it a bit easier to translate the enhanced perception.

Prediction Haki is a more advanced form of Observation Haki, it allows a user to sense the intent of an attack. The Alert feat is a good way of handling this, they have the feat while it is active. Maybe allow them to use a reaction to dodge any attacks made at them and half the damage. It depends on how strong you want it to be. And remember, the enemies have these powers as well.

Conquerors Haki

So, Conquerors Haki. It is granted to those who wish to bend the world to their will and is exceedingly rare. At most one of your PCs should have this ability. And because of that, depending on the group, you shouldn’t hand it out. Some groups can get picky about it if only one gets it, but if it’s the group’s goal, and they all support the person then go for it. Don’t hand it out if you know it will cause strife.

How to balance it? Easy, when it is used anyone within 5 levels (Use CR in place of levels) Is stunned but not unconscious. Anyone lower than five levels is unconscious. Anyone higher than five levels is immune. If two people with conquerors haki clash, it creates unique effects as well.

The best way to describe it, black lightning, and the people are locked in a fight, no way to interfere. It’s a unique thing to do, and a lot of fun. Just make sure that if you force a 1V1 it’s not against an enemy they have no hope of beating.

The Short and Sweet Off it

Haki is a fun system that is basic to implement. It is a fun power-up for Player Characters and Activating it usually happens in times of stress so it is useful in story moments as well. Having an ability intrinsically linked to the growth of your character makes them feel more unique, and a lot of fun to play. Next, we are starting the class breakdowns.

Jack of All Trades Gaming
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2 years ago

I honestly enjoy this idea for how Haki could be portrayed in d&d. Would love to see this get used more often.

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