System Hopping, Why Everyone Should Do It

System Hopping refers to changing your TTRPG system. For me, that means not sticking to D&D but trying other things. It started with a One Piece D20 system that didn’t really work with the group. But it evolved into me running Over Arms, and soon Call of Cthulhu and City of Mist. Trying new things is amazing, and I am going to tell you why you should do it as well.

The Limitations of D&D

The easy thing with this is the setting. D&D is not built as a be-all-end-all RPG. It is built as a medieval RPG. You can do unique things in it to change things up. But, you can also find people who convert it to Modern Day, and Cyberpunk. But in my opinion, there are different systems that do it much better. You can easily find a good Modern Day one, like Over Arms. Or a Cyberpunk one, like well Cyberpunk 2077. Which is much better than the game of the same name.

Wasting time using a D&D 5E system for something that doesn’t fit is a waste of time. I have been tempted to make a free One Piece inspired RPG to save me the time of converting the D20 system to a 5E system. But at least that uses the same basic idea and rules, so it’s not much of a stretch.

When you try to introduce vehicular combat or sci-fi elements the cracks begin to show. While it can be done, it is not recommended by me. Cyberpunk 2077 has some amazing vehicle combat, and the sci-fi elements are built-in. If you want a more familiar system, Starfinder adds in a unique spin on spaceship combat that is amazing.

Breaking Habits

When System Hopping the hardest part is breaking your habits of previous systems. You can’t always call for a perception check, or in some systems, there aren’t even saving throws. As you system hop you will find that some habits stay. Perception checks are the bane of my existence. I automatically ask for them all of the time.

Endless Possibilities While System Hopping

I have a list right now, Call of Cthulhu, City of Mist, and a revisit to Deadlands. Each of these requires learning a different system, and each is so amazing. With Over Arms right now, the Mirages are a creative person’s dream. They have endless possibilities and are a creative person’s dreams. You can do so much with them, from manipulating reality.

If you find yourself creatively stifled, then you should be more than willing to switch systems. Please consider those on my list, or search up others.


I realize this has turned more into a list of RPGs I recommend. But every system has its weaknesses and strengths. D&D exists as a simple-yet-complex TTRPG that makes it very easy for newcomers and veterans alike. I am going to focus on two systems briefly that exemplify this.


The Savage world’s system is extremely versatile, but also different enough that some people won’t like it. Deadlands is amazing, despite the issues in the system. I loved running it, and as a setting it has some amazing worldbuilding, sign me up for undead cowboys and Native Americans with mystical powers. The issues are simple, its skill system takes a while to get used to if you have played more D&D.

Characters can be considered to be more unique, and less streamlined than D&D. The horror feel of it can be a bit different than D&D, and the rest systems make sense and add a sense of age to your character.

Over Arms

This goes the simplified way a bit too much. Without an already cohesive party that you can trust not to slip overpowered abilities in, and a good DM I can see the Anima system not working. After all, a player who doesn’t know the DM is more likely to be annoying and create said overpowered abilities.

The Stigma

With D&D’s rise in popularity, you will find many people who refuse to use any other system. This is understandable, if someone watches Critical Roll, or other podcasts then they can begin to grow an unhealthy connection to the system. The medieval era is also highly fantasized, so finding supplements is easy. From unique settings to collections of monsters it has never been easier to get into it.

A lot of people will dismiss other systems, and the fun times you can have with them. But on the subreddits, you can find scores of people who say D&D isn’t good as well. It is the internet after all. Don’t let these people tell you one thing or the other, and if you’re on one side remember, just have fun.

Jack of All Trades Gaming
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[…] your D&D group doesn’t just have to be D&D, so many other and better systems exist! Take your players somewhere else, and have fun! System hop, be […]


[…] this rambling essay of mine has imparted one fact to you, please try things. I have encouraged this for a long time. but sometimes your favorite thing will be some obscure system barely anyone knows. Just because it […]

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