The State of the Site in 2023

In June of this year, I was laid off from my full-time position. I have since struggled heavily to keep paying rent, take care of my pet and somehow plan my wedding. Due to all of this, I ignored the site and the youtube channel I had started. That changes now, and I will be approaching this year with realistic goals.

I apologize the state of the site is in such disarray. I haven’t posted for nearly half a year, and have a large amount of catching up to do.

State of the Site: First Quarter

At this time I will finish the already over halfway done NPC block and publish it. It will be linked here when done. As far as the site goes, there will be more of a focus on the lore of my TTRPG as I attempt to playtest the rules with my current D&D group and get idea’s from others as well.

I am hoping to publish at least 6 articles and the same amount of youtube videos in this timeframe. Let’s see if I accomplish this goal or not.

State of the Site: Second Quarter

If the playtest goes well the first free playtest material will be released at this time. It will have all classes up until level 5, along with all published lore and some sprinkled-in goodies.

Youtube and article wise the goal will change, 8 articles and 8 videos. I may also start using the youtube scripts as articles or vice-versa. Neither of those will count toward the article/video count, creating original content is the goal.

Rest of the year

I would love to say that I have planned this far but I haven’t. If all goes well it will be more of the same, maybe in my wildest dreams, I can have a Kickstarter. But for now, Happy new year, and thank you for reading my State of the Site!

Jack of All Trades Gaming
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