The Variety Of Tabletop Wargaming

You should play more then one Tabletop Wargame. It’s a very simple and easy thing to say, but it opens up a door to countless possibilities. At my friendly local game store, the games regularly played are as followed- Warhammer 40k, Age of Sigmar, Bolt Action, Middle Earth Strategy Battle Game, Star Wars Legion, Battletech, Apocalypse, and if you count it as one Godtear. This variety has encouraged me to try out new things, and have fun!

The Journey To Try them

I have currently played Warhammer 40K, Star Wars Legion, Age of Sigmar and Battletech. This next month I will be trying out Bolt Action and The Middle Earth Strategy Battle Game. It is a very simple thing for me to do, but you as a human being should try all of these games and more. Tabletop simulator exists and is other then the price of entry, a free way to try all of these games out!

As a human limiting your experiences to just 40k, or any other large Tabletop Wargame is dumb. You have a finite amount of time, and trying a game can tell you if it is worth spending your time on it. My best example of this is with 40k. At first I played Ultramarine’s in 40k, and they sucked bad. I had a tough time in any fight, and had trouble winning anything. I realized it was mostly because I didn’t like the way that they play. Then along came Necrons, I loved the way they play and there special rules, especially Reanimation protocols.

This changed the way I played 40K, now losing was fun! I tried out different strategies and learned something. Winning was funner because all of a sudden I could make clutch reanimation rolls! And then the Necrons got super buffed and winning was the default, but that started feeling bad after awhile. This experience is what has driven me to try different games with better balance systems.

A Variety of Tabletop Wargames

Trying to play a variety of games is a spice of life, but let me tell you why these are interesting.

If you look at something like 40K, you can go all in but in reality most likely it is not the Tabletop Wargame that clicks with you best. By finding a way to demo the game and try other games you prevent later regret. I recently tried Age of Sigmar for the first time, and I realize how much more I like that system then 9th edition 40k. When I watched battle reports I thought 40k sounded better, but it turns out Age of Sigmar calls my name more. This is something I would never have found out if not for the amazing community around me. I don’t regret all the time I have sunk into 40K, especially with 10th edition on the horizon. But this is still a point to make, and what I am encouraging here. Don’t sink your money into one thing without trying other things first!

The Spice of Life

Hopefully this rambling essay of mine has imparted one fact to you, please try things. I have encouraged this for a long time. but sometimes your favorite thing will be some obscure system barely anyone knows. Just because it is easier to find people to play 40k, doesn’t mean that you should play it by default. Try to find other local communities you may enjoy more!

Jack of All Trades Gaming
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