Unique NPCs

Responsibility and life are fickle things. The Goals you once have changed as life goes on, and times get busy. But here I am, returning to something I wanted to finish months ago. Here are some draft NPCs, In a week I will be posting the edited final versions of them. However, documenting my creative process is the reason I made this site, so here we go!

Tavern Worker NPCs

Tyrion Dotting

A Simple barkeep whose face tells his life story. He is covered in scars, missing an ear and two fingers. He is rough, coarse but kind. They are knowledgeable about drinks and remember’s everyone who’s been through his door, but don’t insult him or people he likes.

Tyrion knows a variety of rumors in the area and is particularly knowledgeable with news from Dwarven cities as he considers dwarves to be straightforward and kind folk. He heavily dislikes halflings as they have tricked him multiple times.


 A Simple dwarf with a tussle of red hair and a basic tunic. He is a kind tavern worker who does most of the physical labor, carrying and cutting firewood, boarding horses, and showing guests around.

While he works, he flirts in an awkward way with travelers, with a penchant for flirting with men. He is kind in doing it and doesn’t push it if he is outright rejected, instead trying to befriend and learn from the traveler.


A tavern serving girl, she is a small halfling with brown messy hair. She speaks in a whisper-like voice and wishes to make something of her life but is content where she is now. Whenever a new traveler arrives, she practices drawing them.

She will draw player characters as they walk in, and show them the art in pride. They know rumors of a chest hidden deep in a nearby dungeon that has a magical brush that increases one’s artistic skill. However, it is guarded by a stone golem so no adventurers have taken the quest yet…

A Wizard and his Gaurd NPCs

Quint Firegale

An old fire mage gnome whose entire adventuring party was wiped out in the past. He has two knights that serve him, But they are more like children to him. His sigil is a Fire Tornado. His tower is known as Gale Tower.

He seems happy with his Knights, but sad when he thinks of his old companions. He is part of the Beryl Order, and as such can lead the players to many job opportunities exploring old ruins for magic items, if they prove themselves.


A 6’2’ human who has shaggy blond hair. Wears mail with a surcoat. He has a snarky personality, and will always be cautious around new people. Loves walking around town and trying new food carts.

He will slowly open up to new people, and once he becomes friends with them he shows his love through carefully crafted insults.



A female Knight with magically blue-dyed hair. She treats Quint like a father as he took her off the streets and helped her discover herself. Wears half plate. She is more laid back and tries to befriend new people with her bubbly personality.

Whenever Quint is off on quests she is the one to give new jobs to any adventuring party and keep track of finances and active jobs.

NPCs, The Future

I am already on track to release my free NPC doc soon, it will include 25 NPCs to drag and drop into any medieval-themed campaign. Since it is free, I am not adding stat blocks or other such items, but I will eventually be making a DND dedicated NPC document with 50 NPCs, and that will have stat blocks.

Jack of All Trades Gaming
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