Update #2- Combat & Classes

Hi all, so due to having a crazy week I was not able to keep up with the bi-weekly posts, but here is still the promised update and hopefully the last and only delay in it. I focused my time on combat and classes, and while the ideas I share here are an abridged version I would still appreciate the feedback.


Basic Systems

In a d20 system, you roll a d20 and add skill modifications as needed, skills are going to be the focus of the next update. You have to beat the AR (Armor Rating) of an opponent to hit. Now, what is Combat except a way to freely express yourself, and I want a system that is simple to do but allows for ease of pick up and play that anyone can do.

Each player has 3 actions they can do during combat, movement is an action, attacking is an action, and certain class skills are actions as well. They also have a free action that can be used to interact with the environment. Each player character can take 1 reaction that recharges at the start of their turn.

A freeform description is heavily encouraged by GMS when describing combat to your players. A reward system may also be made to encourage players’ own descriptions.


A Player rolls a d20 and adds their skill of a weapon, the + bonus of the associated stat, and if the total beats the armor rating of the enemy they hit.

Armor Rating

The Armor Rating of a player’s character is determined by their fortitude. The table below shows the baseline for the Armor Rating. The lowest it can go is 10. This is also a tease for the stat system which will be covered in depth with skills.


The Classes

I have 2 classes set up for preview that will not at all reflect what they will look like at release. I don’t think they ever do.


A master of fists and kicks that focuses on close combat fighting, fists start out dealing a base 1d4 damage with this class.

Level 1

At Level 1 the brawler picks a fighting style-


Eschewing all forms of weaponry a Pugilist uses only their hands. You get to make 2 fist attacks for each attack action taken.


A stool, that sticks on the ground, they are an easy-to-reach weapon. You become learned in improvised weapons, and when used they deal 1d6+str damage.


A pair of brass knuckles, gauntlets that cover your hands, and improving yourself with hidden tools is the rule of the game. When using these weapons you get access to a stunning strike, on a failed will save of 15 the opponent must spend their turn recovering.

Level 2

At Level 2 a Brawler gains access to one of 2 abilities that the player chooses, those skills are as follows.

Elemental Initiate-Once per day the user can add elemental damage to their attacks. Choose from the list(To be made)This starts as 1d4 and increases as they level. The elemental damage stays for 1 minute.

The Last Stand-Once per day the user can perform the last stand, when you would go down after reaching 0 hp you instead get up with 1 hp.

Level 3

The Brawlers choose one of these 3 abilities below.

Against the Grain- The brawler becomes learned in one ranged weapon of their choice

Unarmored fighting– when the user is not wearing any armor their Armor Rating gets a +2

Rage Surge- twice per day the user can use an attack action without a penalty after using this ability

Level 4

The Fighting style is chosen at level 1 get’s improvements-


Punch damage increases to 1d6+Str, and you get to make 3 fist attacks for each attack action taken.


Improvised weapons deal 1d8+ strength and the user can attack twice in an attack action with them.


The user can now attack twice each round and has access to two more strikes- Twisting/ one that knocks the enemy prone and Pinpoint/ the user can disable a specific limb of the enemy. Both a DC 15 Will save.


The Marauder is a front-line fighter, protector, and all-around tank for allies.

Level 1

At the first level, they can choose 3 fighting styles.


As a reaction, the PC can take an attack meant for an ally that is within 10 feet of them. They take flat half damage of this attack. After absorbing a blow they get an advantage on the next attack against that enemy.


They have a natural +2 to AR and have no movement penalty’s in heavy armor.

Heavy Hitter

The Marauder can reroll 1 damage dice per attack action.

Level 2

At level 2 the Marauder chooses from the below abilities.

Lucky Strike- Once per day the user can max the damage on a single attack, but cannot be healed until the start of the turn after.

Interference- Twice per day, the Marauder can throw a thrown weapon to cause an enemy to have a disadvantage when attacking an ally.

Level 3

The Marauder gains access to the ability to make 2 attacks per attack action.

Level 4

Fighting Style Improvement.


When absorbing blows roll a d20, on a 16 or higher you take no damage and instead reflect half the damage back to the attacker.


If you are standing next to an ally, their AR gets a +2 bonus

Heavy Hitter

The Marauder can reroll an attack roll once per round.

Combat & Classes

While I enjoy making Combat fun the long-term goal is going to be a lot of playtesting, the bigger the pool the better. Also getting my writing up to snuff to actually publish but that’s why the core rules will be free. I hope you have enjoyed this breakdown, and the combat at least sounds enjoyable.

Jack of All Trades Gaming
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