Update #4 The Worldbuilding

What has taken a backseat so far is now coming front and center! Worldbuilding is coming in strong as I want the ships and certain skills to relate to the universe itself. So, time for the quick and fast worldbuilding I have spent the last two weeks doing, along with a re-read of one piece to get more ability ideas.

The Archipeligo

The RPG takes place in a world that is an Archipelago of islands that exist in a state of false peace. Island Nations are at war with the pirates who took advantage of a strange new power known as Mysteria. With these strange powers, many warlords and even men of peace stood up and took territories for themselves. A charismatic king united many of them, some think with the power of a Mysteria, and now the majority of the islands are under the control of The True Order. Anyone who opposes this new rule, well those are just pirates.

The Island Nations

Many of these still have the old government, whether that be a king or a city council. But now they report directly to The True Order. There will be a random generator included in the RPG book, along with the modest goal of 15 unique and fully fleshed-out islands for the GM to use. So look forward to more on that later!

The Pirates

Now worldbuilding pirates’ is a bit harder, but I have settled on this. The strongest will be called Pirate Emporers, and the book has 3 to start with. Maybe a goal for a player character is to become the one true ruler of the sea? They are going to be made later but this is as close as I can get to One Piece without stepping on its toes too much.

Pirates can also have fleets and alliances as well, and I want there to be rules for this, but it depends on how number crunchy it gets.

The True Order

The name is a work in progress, but the True Order represents what one man thinks is perfection. People have a habit of listening to him as well. It stands for Justice, Peace, and Prosperity for all of its citizens, and good people serve it. After all, Pirates usually aren’t good people. There will be rules if people wish to fight in the Navy of the True Order, and can be just as fun of a campaign as one with Pirates as the main focus!

The Races

So far we have 4 unique Races, we will have one or two more by release.

Abnormal Human

Larger than normal humans, or figures with strange wings, abnormal humans are present due to mutations caused by Mysteria.

+ 2 in Fortitude and a -1 in agility


The Run of the mill normal human, just about the average in everything,

A floating +1


A fish-based race that shows a variety of traits depending on the section of the sea they emerge from.

+2 to strength and a -1 to Will


The Paralain are the jewels of the sea, they have a humanoid appearance with 4 arms and shimmering skin. Each one has a Jewel embedded in its forehead, they can be green, red or blue.

+1 To Will +1 to Spirit -1 To fortitude

Worldbuilding! It’s fun

So, a lot of time was spent rewriting and proofreading what has been done. Abilities have been reworked and renamed, and worldbuilding was a fun time. These posts will continue to focus on the new things until the first draft is posted. The current goal is mid-June. I am hoping to have playtested it with my group a bit and learn what works and doesn’t by then. Once we have about 5 levels of at least 4 of the classes worked out I will try and spread it around some to get some playtesters.

Jack of All Trades Gaming
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