Warhammer 40K, A Descent Into Madness

About a year ago I stumbled across a lore video for Warhammer 40k and immediately was intrigued. I like mini’s, tabletop games, and strategy. But Warhammer had all this and it’s wrapped neatly in a Grimdark setting. Then came a podcast called Adeptus Ridiculous, and the descent was completed. I bought the Indomitus box bundle and started painting some Ultramarines.

Warhammer 40K Media

The Games

I had started by playing some Dawn of War games, mainly 1 when I was younger. I didn’t even know it was attached to another property, but I liked it. Since then, I have played other Warhammer 40k video games and most have been meh. Recently they have started to get better, and look more promising. I have gotten into Warhammer Fantasy with Warhammer Total War 1&2. But those don’t really count as 40K games.

The third-person shooter called Warhammer 40,000 Space Marine is very good, but it is a product of its time. Battlefleet Gothic Armada is a fun game that is best played in short bursts. And other games have gotten good reviews, like Mechanicus, but I have not played them yet.

The Books

I have started the descent into the Horus Heresy. It is fantastic and confusing at the same time. Keeping a Wiki open on the side and looking up references you don’t understand will quickly make that better for the first book. Past that you should be in the clear. I found that listening to them on Audible is the easier way to do it, I usually listen while painting minis.

Now, the Horus Heresy is a 50+ book series that I expect to last me for years. To take on a task like reading them all is daunting, but one that will be a great thing to conquer.

The Mini’s

The drawing point of Warhammer, the minis, and wargame. The minis are tiny and intricate things that are amazing. Painting them is a daunting challenge, or so it seems. I have a medical condition, the medication I take makes my hands shake uncontrollably. So actually painting mini’s was going to be a challenge, until it wasn’t.

I was able to make a lot of decent-looking mini’s, which is more than I ever could have wanted. Even with shaky hands. I recommended midwinter mini’s as your primary source to find easy painting tutorials. While I have not finished painting my army, I have watched enough Warhammer battle reports to know I will probably enjoy the game quite a bit.

Fan-Made Warhammer 40k Media


Midwinter minis, Lupin, even Bricky to an extent. All of these people have amazing Warhammer videos, and more! The youtube range is amazing and awe-inspiring, how so many passionate fans can make media anyone can enjoy! Except for Lupin, his lore deep dive can be a little scary to an outside viewer. I recommend starting with Brikcy’s breakdown on Warhammer races, find one you like, and buy some minis.


While I am sure there are many amazing podcasts, the best entry-level one is Adeptus Ridiculous. If you listen to this podcast, you will get an easy-to-digest Warhammer 40K lore. From Papa Nurgle and his Death Gaurd to WW1 inspired Death Korps of Krieg. You will get an amazing listen, with many jokes that are a ton of fun! It is also hosted by Bricky, so it’s a good continuation of his lore videos if you enjoyed them.

Opinions From a New Fan

The Tau

Now, here is something semi-controversial. I find the Warhammer 40K fandom a bit annoying. For instance, the hate on the Tau. The fact that people refuse to believe anyone can be good and weren’t happy until Games Workshop retconned it into a mind-control thing. Just accept that some people can be good in a universe of horrible things. I get the “It doesn’t fit the setting” but they are Xenos, they are never going to make peace with the humans.

As far as the Gundam inspiration goes, I’ve never really seen it. The Tau are unique and amazing. Their design can also draw more people in, so let them in and let people enjoy the greater good!

The Price

Here is another opinion, the Mini’s are not overpriced. Let’s use Video Games, if I buy a Video Game for $60 and get 10 hours of fun out of it, it is a good purchase. Buying the Indomitus box set for $160, I have a project that lasts months. And since every in-person game of Warhammer takes hours to play, it is completely worth it. If you play a 2,000 point game off Warhammer every two weeks, for an average of an hour per game, you will get your money’s worth very quickly.

So ignore the people saying the minis are overpriced, some specific ones are. But buy box sets, and do your research. You will very quickly find the barrier to entry is not as big as many detractors say.


It is important to have a coherent atmosphere, and Warhammer 40K has this. It is dark, sad, dreary, and depressing. But the style is allowed to change over time. The lore of the universe is dark, and humanity is going to eventually lose. But that’s the point. Humanity will never give up, and it’s somehow inspiring and depressing, so so depressing.

The Descent

Once you start, if your not careful Warhammer 40k can consume every single part of your life. It’s amazing how it can do this, as unless you have no time it will be nearly impossible to catch up on the years of lore. You’ll never be able to buy every mini or paint out there. You will always have something new, and eBay is an amazing place to get into the hobby as well. You can always find someone getting rid of their old minis in a lot, sort of like D&D. So if anything I said interests you, I recommend looking into it.

Jack of All Trades Gaming
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